KVK, Wyra - Field day on HDPS cotton and field visits on 01.11.2023

KVK, Wyra - Field day on HDPS cotton and field visits on 01.11.2023

KVK, Wyra has conducted field day on HDPS Cotton and field visits along with Dr. D. Kanjana, Senior Scientist (soil science) from CICR, Coimbatore under Special Project on ICAR - CICR entitled “Targeting technologies to agro ecological zones large scale demonstration of best practices to enhance cotton productivity.” During this visit, Dr. D. Kanjana, Senior Scientist (Soil science) from CICR, Coimbatore and KVK staff has participated in field day and also interacted with farmers and recorded the observations like spacing, number of sprayings, Plant height, plant population, frequency of PGR spray, Avg No. of Green bolls, Avg No. of open bolls and seed rate per acre. Dr A. Sailaja, Programme Coordinator explained the HDPS importance and need, Dr. K. Ravi Kumar explained Pest and Disease management in HDPS cotton and Dr. D. Kanjana explained Best management practices in the HDPS cotton along with other staff participated in the programme.