A nutri-garden ensures an inexpensive, regular and handy supply of fresh vegetables to provide the essential micronutrients deficit in diet. Green vegetables are rich sources of vitamins and minerals along with antioxidants to fight against diseases. They can be simple but innovative option to bridge the gap between the available resources and its utilization in a sustainable manner for addressing the problems of hidden hunger and combat malnutrition. It also helps to create additional revenue-generating opportunities for farming communities especially women. A well laid out nutri-garden can help to meet the entire requirements of fruits and vegetables for a family for the entire year. It is a low-cost sustainable approach for reducing malnutrition, increasing awareness of vegetable production increasing working hours and achieving food, nutrition and economic security. The nutrient dense plants consisting of minimum one tree (perennial) and three green leafy vegetable can be an ideal source for improving the consumption of greens in diet. As part of Poshan Maah – September 2020 being celebrated with the theme “Complimentary Feeding”, KVK, Wyra conducted on 07.09.2020, programme about “Awareness on Nutrition and health” and on 11.09.2020, online program about “Importance of nutrithali for combating malnutrition”. Farmers and farm women participated in these programmes. Dr. J. Hemanth Kumar, Dr. Jessie Suneetha W, Dr. V. Chaitanya and Dr. K. Ravi Kumar spoke in these programmes.