Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Wyra under high spirited and invigorating leadership of Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University and Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Zone – X ascends the ladder of professional competency through the steps of success. The five (2014-15 to 2018-19) years’ work with innovative ideologies and technologies as per the performance indicators that presented before the impartial evaluators at ICAR Zonal level, crowned KVK Wyra with Pandit Deen Dayal Updhaya Rashitriya Krishi Vigyan Protsahan Purskar Award with Rs. 7.5 lakhs citation on the occasion of 92nd ICAR foundation day celebrations on 16th July, 2020 at New Delhi from hands of chief guest Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare & Rural Development, Government of India virtually. Earlier, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Wyra also bagged the Best Extension Centre award by PJTSAU on 3rd September 2018 on the occasion of 4th University foundation day. On this occasion Dr. V. Praveen Rao, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Dr. S. Sudheer Kumar, Registrar, along with University officers, PJTSAU and Dr. Y.G Prasad, Director, ATARI, Zone – X appreciated the efforts of KVK, Wyra and innovative women farmer of KVK, Jammikunta Smt. R. Lakshmi for receiving the awards. Smt. R. Lakshmi promoted Dry converted to wet cultivation in Rice.
Major significant contributions by KVK, Wyra in serving the cause of farmers concern include: