December 5 is celebrated annually as World Soil Day (WSD) to highlight the importance of healthy soil and promote sustainable management of soil resources. In December 2013, the UN General Assembly responded by designating 5th December 2014 as the first official World Soil Day. Each year a different theme is given and the theme of World Soil Day 2023 as per FAO movement is "Soil and water: A source of life". Soil nutrient loss is a major soil degradation process threatening nutrition and is recognized as being among the most important problems at a global level for food security and sustainability all around the globe. KVK, Wyra celebrated World Soil Day with Dr. A. Sailaja, Programme Coordinator, Scientists and Farmers. The scientists spoke about the importance to adopt environment friendly agricultural practices for effective fertiliser usage for boosted crop efficiency, preserve soil healthiness and at the same time conserve water.