As per the Univ. Cir.Memo.No.206/SC/A1/2022, dt:22.01.2022 of the Registrar i/c., PJTSAU, R’nagar the Pledge taking ceremony on National Voters Day Celebrations on 25.01.2022 was taken at Extension Education Institute, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. On marking the importance of voting rights of every Indian citizen, Election Commission of India celebrates 25th January of every year as ‘National Voters Day’. Accordingly this year the theme of the National Voters Day is ‘Making Elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participative”. Dr.M.Jagan Mohan Reddy, Director, EEI, R’nagar, Hyderabad has emphasized the above point to all the staff in Telugu language in order to reach the message to all employees to bring awareness among the citizen about the importance of ‘Individual Right to Vote’. Dr.M.Jagan Mohan Reddy, along with all teaching, non-teaching and outsourcing staff took the pledge by following appropriate COVID protocols. Further, to inform that one minute video of the pledge taking ceremony was recorded and uploaded using hashtag#NVD2022 in the social media platform.