Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the 103rd edition of Mann Ki Baat on 30th July cited a unique idea to celebrate the 77th Independence Day. He announced the ‘Meri Mati Mera Desh’ campaign during the Amrit Mahotsav celebration. This campaign from 9th August 2023 to 15th August 2023 will honour and appreciate the martyred brave hearts.
Meri Mati Mera Desh Campaign: Events & Activities
The ‘Meri Mati Mera Desh’ campaign is an idea to celebrate India’s soil and valour. And the different events or activities to enhance interaction & promote mutual understanding between people of different states/UTs are
As a part of this programme, NSS PO’s gathered all the students and assembled at one place to take the oath of “Panch Pran Pledge”. After completion of panch pran pledge all the students hold the soil in their hands with a sapling. The sapling has been planted in the College campus. All are excited to take photograph along with soil and sapling and upload the photograph in website on behalf of College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar. In addition to this many students are thrilled and uploaded their selfies by holding soil in their hands. Enjoyed the privilege of getting a certificate
We Pledge to:
- Make India developed and self-reliant by 2047.
- Remove any trace of colonial mindset.
- Celebrate our heritage.
- Strengthen unity and respect those who protect the country.
- Perform the duties of a citizen.