As a part of Poshan Maah celebrations on 17-09-2020, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized training programme on “Nutri garden” “Nutri Thali” and “Bio fortified varieties” for Anganwadi Teachers at KVK, Malyal. Dr. N. Kishore Kumar, Programme Coordinator i/c given brief introduction about the programme, Dr. Kaladhar Babu, Sr. Scientist, JVR HRS, Malyal participated in the pgoramme and given lecture on “importance of kitchen garden and terrace garden”. Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS (Hort.) given powerpoint presentation on “Balanced nutrition and nutritional value of fruits and vegetables”. Smt. A. Ramulamma, SMS (P.P.) explained about nutritional value of honey and other health benefits of honey and visited Bee keeping Demo unit at KVK, Malyal. 43 No.of anganwadi workers, 21 farmwomen participated in the programme. During the programme kitchen garden kits and Karonda saplings distributed to the participants.