Collaborative Online Training Program on “Agriculture Media Skills for Effective Transfer of Technology (11 th – 15 th July, 2023)

Collaborative Online Training Program on “Agriculture Media Skills for Effective Transfer of Technology (11 th – 15 th July, 2023)

Electronic Wing, PJTSAU and MANAGE, Hyderabad has jointly organized online training programme on “Agriculture Media Skills for Effective Transfer of Technology” from 11th – 15th July, 2023. Dr. V.Sudha Rani, Director of Extension, PJTSAU, Chief guest of the valedictory session said that the COVID-19 crisis has forced education systems worldwide to find alternatives to and one among them is organization of online training programmes, though the adversary we came out with an opportunity which has brought us together on one platform who are stationed so far away. In this era of artificial intelligence the content writing or input development takes prime role in effective transfer of Technology. requested the participants to use the skills learnt through this training and serve the farmers and clients in better way. The five days online training covered with topics i.e., over view of Agril. Media skills and its importance for Effective TOT, New farm journalist – roles and responsibilities, Content writing skills for Print and Digital Media / Chat GPT, Writing of Success Story, Use of Augmentded reality and Virtual reality in Transfer of Technology, Blended traditional and digital media skills for effective TOT, Development of Jingles (Audio/Video) for promotion of Agro advisory , Digital Agriculture: Preparation of story board for Video Capturing , Developing Blogs/Websites, Use of Mobile Apps in Agriculture, Use of Social Media for effective TOT in Agriculture (YouTube / FB/Twitter etc), Information Sources and resources in Agriculture Impact assessment Techniques/Methods of Agri Media – (Radio /TV/Social Media), Methods to Curb fake news in the Social media etc. About 28 participants from across India attended the five days online training programme. The programme hosted by Dr.A.Sreenivasacharyulu, Deputy Director (Knowledge management), MANAGE and organized by Dr. M. Sreenivasulu, Course Director and Coordinator, Electronic Wing, Dr.J.S.Sudha Rani, Scientist (Agronomy) and Dr.A.Ramakrishna Babu, Scientist(Entomology) Electronic Wing, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad.