
University Officers

Prof. Aldas Janaiah

Hon'ble Vice -Chancellor


Dr. G. E. Ch. Vidya Sagar


Sri K Srinivasa Rao


Dean of Students Affairs

Dr. Ch. Venu Gopala Reddy

Dean of Students Affairs

Dr. K. Jhansi Rani

Dean of Agriculture

Dr. V. Vijaya Lakshmi

Dean of Community Science

Dr. K. B. Eswari

Dean of PG Studies

Dr. K. Jhansi Rani

Dean of Agril. Engineering
and Technology (FAC)

Dr. M. Balram

Director of Research

Dr. M. Yakadri

Director of Extension

Dr. N.P. Ravi Kumar

University Librarian (FAC)

Sri. P. Mohan Reddy

Sri. P. Mohan Reddy

Estate Officer

Dr. M. Malla Reddy

Controller of Examinations