KVK demo units. A group of 25 M.Sc students of Palamuru University, Mahaboobnagar have visited the KVK, Palem on 03.01.2025

KVK demo units. A group of 25 M.Sc students of Palamuru University, Mahaboobnagar have visited the KVK, Palem on 03.01.2025

KVK, Palem - Exposure Visit to KVK demo units. A group of 25 M.Sc students of Palamuru University, Mahaboobnagar have visited the KVK, Palem on 03.01.2025. Dr. T. Prabhakar Reddy, PC, KVK, Palem briefed about various innovative activities and flagship programmes carried out by the KVK, Palem for the benefit of farming community. Dr.O. Shaila, SMS (Plant Protection) briefed about major crops pest and diseases management practices and vermicompost units and its importance. Dr. B. Rajashekar, SMS (AE) KVK, Palem briefed on various ongoing activities and projects at KVK, Palem, interacted with students and visited various demonstrations units like integrated farming components exclusively dry land areas, shadenet, seed processing unit, soil testing lab, on farm paddy seed production and farm mechanization etc. In this programme Dr.T.Prabhakar Reddy (PC, KVK, Palem), Dr.O. Shaila, SMS (Plant Protection), Dr. B. Rajashekar, SMS (AE) KVK, Palem and 25 PG Students, Palamuru University, Mahaboobnagar were participated.