Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized series of events to observe “Parthenium awareness week” from 16th – 22nd August, 2021. As a part of this, organized Parthenium eradication camp at KVK, Malyal on 16th and 19th August, Parthenium awareness programme at KVK adopted village – Gurimalla on 17th August, awareness programme in SCSP adopted villages – Kantaipalem, Vissampalli, Nanchari Madur on 18th August, Digital audio conference through virtual mode in collaboration with Reliance foundation to Warangal (Rural) farmers on 19th August and Mahabubabad farmers on 20th August, awareness programme in Kasna Thanda village on 21st August. In these programmes, awareness on ill effects of congress grass both on agriculture, horticulture crops and on human and animal health were highlighted bringing awareness on the wide spread weed. Compost preparation with Parthenium and biological control of Parthenium also were explained. Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Malyal and Smt. A. Ramulamma, SMS (Plant Protection) and Sri B. Kranthi Kumar, SMS (Crop Production) acted as resource persons for these events. Other KVK staff also participated in few events. Number of farmers participated in these programmes were 23 (17-08-2021), 60 (18-08-2021), 44 (19-08-2021), 41 (20-08-2021), 19 (21-08-2021).Sri G. Ramesh and Smt. Varahalu from Reliance foundation acted as convenors for the Digital Audio Conferences on 19th & 20th August, respectively.