Training programme on “Integrated crop management of Ridge gourd on 29-01-2021

Training programme on “Integrated crop management of Ridge gourd on 29-01-2021

Training programme on integrated crop management in Ridge gourd was organized at Mylaram village, Balmoor mandal, Nagarkurnool district, Telangana state on 29.01.2021 to the Ridge gourd growers by KVK. Palem, Nagarkurnool dist. Dr. Adhi Shankar, SMS (Horticulture), KVK, Palem given training on integrated crop management in Ridge gourd i.e. Selection of varieties, Seed treatment, Bio fertilizer application, Raised bed and Drip irrigation system, plastic Mulching preparation, pre and post emergence herbicide application, fertigation schedule, micro nutrient foliar spray, integrated pest and disease management to the farmers.Mr. K. Chendrashekhar, Horti & Sericulture officer, Achampet division given information on Govt. subsidy schemes on Perminant pandal system, Drip irrigation system and Plastic mulch film to the farmers.The training programme graced by Mr. Saleem, CONARE NGO coordinator, and Field assistants and 32 Ridge gourd farmers had actively participated in this training programme.