Tenth (10th) Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University foundation day was celebrated on 03-09-2023 in a grand manner at Agricultural College, Adilabad. The programme was started by Dr. M. Suresh, Officer Incharge Student Affairs by welcoming the guests,Dr. Y. Praveen Kumar Programme Coordinator, KVK, Dr.P. Ramprasad, PS& Head, Agricultural Research Station, Adilabad and Progressive farmers Sri.B. Srikanth Reddy, Sri.B. Goverdhan Yadavand Sri. Kema Laxman from Adilabad district on to the dias. It was followed by playing of the University song succeeded by the introduction of the theme and significance of the Programme. Later, Dr. Sreedhar Chauhan, Associate Deanin his welcome address briefed about the programme through power point presentation focussed on the research achievementsof PJTSAU in the last ten years after formation of Telangana state apart from the achievements of Agriculture Research Station,Adilabad. The lecture highlighted that from 2016-18 to 2021-22 around 192 technologies were developed by PJTS Agricultural University. Among them, 45 technologies were developed from Northern Telangana Zone and 8 technologieswere developed by Agricultural Research Station, Adilabad. Dr.K.Bhanu Rekha, Professor (Agronomy) presented about the PJTSAU teaching Activities & Achievements through power point presentation. She stressed upon the Vision, Mission and Mandate of the Universityapart from the hierarchical position of university officers. The lecture also highlighted about objectives of BSc (Hons.) Ag. course details,(RAWE programme and Experiential Learning programme, Industrial attachment) apart from the student achievements with respect to higher education (National and International Institutes in Agriculture and Management Institutions) and student placements in Government, Private Sectors and prospects of entrepreneurship in Agri & Allied Fields. Later, Dr.B.Rajeshwari, Professor (Plant pathology) in her presentation explained about various Extension activities carried out at university level with special focus on the extension centres working for the benefit of the farmers though outscaling of various new technologies, varieties /hybrids. Dissemination of new technologies or spreading of improved methods / management practices to enhance farmer’s income apart from cost cutting techniques. On this event students of B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture, II year students organized an Agri Exhibition and displayed models on different themes like Smart Agriculture, Sustainable Agriculture, Organic Farming, Micro-Irrigation, Hydroponic system of cultivation and Polyhouse systems etc. Farmers and Scientists from KVK and Agricultural Research Station, Adilabad appreciated students for their excellent talents. Later,the Progressive Farmers were felicitated by Associate Dean and College teaching staff.The programme ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Dr.A. Anitha, Associate Professor,(Entomology), Agricultural College, Adilabad.