Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rudrur organised field day on Bengalgram variety NBeG 3 distributed under National Food Security Mission in Cluster Front Line Demonstration mode on 10.02.2021 at Hegdoli Village of Kotagiri Mandal, Nizamabad district on the eve of World Pulses day. Scientists of KVK, Rudrur have obtained the feedback on NBeG 3 bengalgram variety characteristics over the farmer’s cultivating variety i.e JG 11 from the demo farmers. The farmers expressed their satisfaction on the variety as it is of bold seeded, high yielding and of wilt resistant to a smaller extent. Later, World Pulses Day was conducted jointly by RS&RRS and KVK, Rudrur at RS&RRS. The Scientific staff of RS&RRS along with the Scientific staff of KVK, Rudrur and students of Seed Technology Polytechnic college have attended the event. Considering the importance of pulses in our daily diet, Dr. M. Sreedhar, Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding) & Head, RS&RRS addressed the participants about the significance of pulses in sustainable food production that is aimed towards food security and nutrition. Further, he stated that pulses contribute as the major source of protein for all the age groups of people enhancing the immunity condition of every individual. To improve the soil fertility status in the present climate changing situation, farmers can grow pulses as main as well as inter crop in view of increasing the feasibility of agricultural production system. Mr. G. Praveen Kumar, Scientist, Plant Breeding, RS&RRS while addressing emphasized the importance of pulses in nutritional aspect and discussed about the govt. initiatives that help in encouraging the farmers to grow pulse crops and explained the activities of RS&RRS and KVK, Rudrur for promoting Bengal gram varieties under RKVY and CFLD. Mrs. Firdoz Shahana, Scientist, Agronomy, RS&RRS interacted with the students and explained them the importance of carrying out their research activities in pulse crops in the near future to aware the farming community to make them consider it in their daily intake diet requirement and generate good profits that helps to develop their economic situation. Dr. B. Venkata Raj Kumar, SMS, Horticulture, KVK, Rudrur while expressing his views on the importance of celebrating “World Pulses day” stated that pulses should be taken as part of healthy diet and the possibility of further processing or value addition can also be considered as an another source of revenue generating employment opportunities in the present situation.