DAATTC, Mudhole-Diagnostic Paddy field visit on 04-02-2021 Chinchala village farmers fields Mudhole – Diagnosed paddy leaf blast

DAATTC, Mudhole-Diagnostic Paddy field visit on 04-02-2021 Chinchala village farmers fields Mudhole – Diagnosed paddy leaf blast

DAATTC, Mudhole Scientist Dr. G. Veeranna, Coordinator, Dr. M. Sampath Kumar, Scientist (TOT), DAATTC, Mudhole, Sri. Bhaskar, MAO, Mudhole, Sri. Vilas kumar, AEO visited the field of Mr. Shivaji and neighboring Chinchala village farmer Paddy fields, diagnosed symptoms spindle-shaped and whitish to gray with necrotic borders, several spots coalesce to form big irregular patches severe in the Paddy field. Dr.G.Veeranna, Coordinator, recommended to the farmers reduced Nitrogen fertilizer quantity are more split applications and irrigating field Alternate Wetting and Drying method, for control disease spray the fungicide Tricyclozole @ 0.6 g/L. or Isoprothiolane 1.5 ml/l or Kasugamycin 2.5 ml/l twice with 10-15 days interval or Tricyclozole + Propiconozole 150 ml./acre or Tebuconazole + Trifloxystrobin @ 80 g/acre. Tricyclozole + Pecoxistrobin 400 ml./acre. In this field visit 20 member farmers attended and aware about the Paddy leaf blast control.