Agricultural Research Station (ARS), Adilabad has conducted demonstration on insitu incorporation of cotton stubbles through cotton shredder at adopted village Seethagondi of Gudihatnoor mandal on 10.05.2021 with the help of John Deere dealer, Nirmal by following Covid management guidelines. In this programme, Dr. Sreedhar Chauhan, Principal Scientist & Head, ARS, Adilabad participated and expressed that, in present situation burning of cotton stubbles creating environmental pollution, shortage of labour for stubbles removal. To avoid these problems, cotton shredder is more useful. Moreover, cotton shredder is also useful for nutrient enrichment in soil and as well as pink bollworm control. After demonstration farmers expressed that, the removal of root zone of cotton plants is very much problematic & increasing cost also. To overcome this problem, some of the farmers made small modification behind this machine. Through modified cotton shredder farmers were benefitted. In this programme, ARS, Adilabad Scientists Sri K. Rajashekar, Dr. D. Mohan Das; L. Sreedhar, A.E.O, Gudihatnoor; Sri Ganesh, John Deere officer; Sri Santhosh Goud, Vice Sarpanch; Sri Sanjeev & Sri Narsingh progressive farmers, A. Srikanth, SRF; 20 member of farmers also participated.