Training programme on “Diagnosis and Management of major pests and diseases in Yasangi crops” on 06-03-2021 at Damera village by Agricultural College, Warangal

Training programme on “Diagnosis and Management of major pests and diseases in Yasangi crops” on 06-03-2021 at Damera village by Agricultural College, Warangal

A training programme on “Diagnosis and Management of major pests and diseases in Yasangi crops” was organized by the village adoption team of Agricultural College, Warangal in the adopted village Damera on 06-03-2021. Dr. Ch.Anusha, Assistant Professor (Entomology), Smt. Ch.Yashaswini, Assistant Professor (Plant Pathology) explained about the identification and management of major pests and diseases in the major crops such as Paddy, Maize and Muskmelon. Later they answered to the queries raised by the farmers regarding management practices. Diagnostic field visit was conducted in sesamum field, where sucking pests (Thrips, aphids and white flies) were observed and recommended to spray Acephate@1.5g/lit. A total of 20 farmers and village adoption team have participated in the programme. The programme was followed by a visit to paddy and maize field.