Village adoption team has proceeded to the Adopted village, Kothapeta on 27-10-2022. Paddy crop is at grain filling stage in the village. At present no disease incidence is observed, but observed white ears in the field and educated the farmers about yellow stem borer damage and its timely management. Farmers were advised to be vigilant about false smut disease in paddy crop. The cotton crop is at boll formation stage. Sucking pests like jassids, leafhoppers, aphids, thrips and whiteflies are observed in the cotton fields. Recommended Acetamiprid 0.5 g/lit or Profenophos 2ml/lit alternatively during consecutive sprays to control sucking pests in cotton. Micronutrient deficiencies in cotton crop during bud and boll formation stage is usual. Hence, farmers are advised to go for foliar application of magnesium and boron as magnesium sulfate@ 10g per lit and Borax @ 1.5g per lit or planofix @ 1ml per 5 lit of water in case of bud and boll shedding is observed.