Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhadradri Kothagudem has Conducted a training programme on “Integrated Pest & Disease Management in Kharif Crops” on 13.08.2021 at Seetampeta Banjara village, Sujathanagar Mandal, Bhadradri Kothagudem. Dr. R. Vishwatej, SMS(Extension) welcomed the participants and introduced the farmers about the mandates and activities of KVK in the district. Dr. V.Lakshmi Narayanamma, Programme Coordinator has explained the audience about the major pests and diseases in Paddy, cotton, Maize, Chillies, Redgram and also explained in details about the IPM practices to control each of the above. She also spoke about the need for reducing the cost of cultivation in all the major crops. Mr. B.Shiva, SMS(Horticulture) spoke about the IPM practices in Chillies, Tomato & Spine gourd.