Water Technology Centre of Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University organised webinar on Irrigation development and management in Telangana State. on June 17, 2021. About 360 participants comprising of University officers, Associate Deans, Associate Director of Research, Directors from local ICAR institutes, scientists from PJTSAU and ICAR institutes, irrigation department officials and students across the state attended the webinar. At the outset, Dr R. Jagadeeshwar , Director of Research, PJTSAU, Hyderabad gave welcome address and stressed the need of the discussion on importance of irrigation development in Telangana State. Dr K. Avil kumar introduced the guest speaker Er. Sridhar Rao Deshpande, OSD to CM (Irrigation), Govt of Telangana to the participants of the webinar. Er. Sridar Rao Deshpande delivered presentation on Irrigation development and management in Telangana. In his presentation briefed about the irrigation scenario prior to merger with Andhra. Detailed about catchment area, allocations and actual utilisation between Andhra and Telangana from Krishna and Godavari river, Government plans for the development of irrigation facilities in Telangana state. He emphasized the mission Kakatiya- restoration of minor irrigation tanks desilting for increasing water storage and application of tank silt in fields for soil enrichment. By this programme the impact was seen increase in 51.% gross irrigated area, decrease in gap ayacut by 19.2%. Further increased yields were observed in major field crops of Telangana. He presented the progress of pedning projects, partially completed project over Godavari and Krishna basin. He stressed the multistage lift irrigation Kaleshwaram project which is contemplated to irrigate 18.25 lakh acres of new ayacut and to stabilise 26.75 lakh acres under existing projects and in total 45 lakh acre ayacut in 20 districts can be irrigated through Kaleshwaram project. He presented the modernisation of existing SRSP, NSP, Nizamsagar, RDS Musi and other projects to supply irrigation water to tail end areas. The irrigated area increased from 47.78 lakh acres in 2016-17 to 89.46 lakh acres. In next 2-3 years it will reach to 125 lakh acres and fullfilled the dream of Telngana koti ekarala magani. The impact is seen in as Telangana placed in first place in terms of paddy production in India, 100% drinking water supply to rural households, increasing of ground water level, increasing of per capita water availability and per capita storage availability. In irrigation sector point of view many accolades received at national and international level. Dr. V. Praveen Rao, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, PJTSAU, gave presidential remarks on irrigation with reference to agriculture and suggested to study the crops and cropping pattern in new command areas and map the irrigated area by using advanced RS and GIS techniques, University need to focus on increase in the water use efficiency, reorient according to the state needs and policy by using advanced AI and IOT tools and drones. The meeting was ended up with vote of thanks offered by Dr. Md.Latheef Pasha, Senior Scientist (Agro), Water Technology Centre.