Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar has organized Zoom Training cum Aawareness Programme on Direct seeded technologies in Rice for Agricultural Officials of Suryapet district on 11th June, 2021. Dr. Shankaraiah, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Kampasagar explained advantages and problems of different rice methods viz. Drum seeder, Seed cum ferti drill and broadcasting. Dr.M.Goverdhan, Senior Professor, ARS, Head explained weed management in direct seeded technologies and its importance. Sri. RamaRao Naik, District Agriculture Officer, Suryapet explained importance of direct seeded rice technologies and possibilities for promotion of technology.Later,Dr.T.Bharath, Scientist (Crop Production) Created awareness through Power Point presentation on direct seeded technologies (dry seeding and wet seeding). These technology saves labour, less water, less drudgery, early crop maturity, low production cost. These technologies consider as climate resilient (less methane emission). Later farmers Sri.Sk. Basha (Seed cum Ferti Drill) also interacted with Officials regarding successful implementation of Seed cum Ferti Drill technology in Rice. In this Zoom meeting scientists Dr.M.Shankar, T.Himabindu, S.Pallavi, A.Saikiran and 55 No. of Agriculture officials ADAs, AOs, AEOs from Suryapet district were participated.