KVK, Malyal conducted Exposure visit to Centre of Excellence, Mulugu, Siddipet District on 12-03-2021 under Tribal Sub Plan, 2020-21

KVK, Malyal conducted Exposure visit to Centre of Excellence, Mulugu, Siddipet District on 12-03-2021 under Tribal Sub Plan, 2020-21

Exposure visit was conducted by KVK, Malyal to Centre of Excellence, Mulugu, Siddipet District with 25 No.of farmers from 2 TSP villages. Sri. N. Padmanabham, Assistant Director of Horticulture and In-charge for COE and Sri J. Ashish, Horticulture Officer from COE, Mulugu participated as resource person and explained different pruning techniques in fruit crops, method demonstrations, raising of vegetable nurseries in plug trays under shadenet, which were established by them was explained to the farmers. Different demo units were visited by farmers maintained at COE like Ultra High Density Mango, Guava, Pomegranate, Sweet Orange, Acid Lime, Dragon Fruit, Intercropping of Srigandham with cajurina plantation, farm pond, cultivation of cucurbit under pandal system and raising of vegetable nurseries under shadenet. KVK, Malyal Scientists Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS (Horticulture), Sri B. Kranthi Kumar, SMS (Crop Production) and Sri M. Chitti Babu (Agromet Observer) was accompanied with the farmers during the exposure visit.