A Field Day on “Sorghum variety PYPS-2” was conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal at Kasna thanda (Gollacharla) Village of Dornakal Mandal, Mahabubabad district on 30-03-2021. The demonstration was conducted by KVK, Malyal under Tribal Sub Plan, 2020-21. The programme started with a field visit by all the participants where they were explained the characteristics of Sorghum variety PYPS-2 by Sri B. Kranthi Kumar, SMS (Crop Production). The host farmer Sri D. Balaji gave feedback about the PYPS-2 variety. He informed the house that this variety is having good yield as compared to local variety. Following the field visit, there was an interaction programme held Sri Shoban Babu, Assistant Director of Agriculture, Maripeda explained about various technologies in different crops which needs to be implement at farmer level. Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Malyal apprised the farmers about different high yielding varieties in Sorghum and management practices in Chilli with special reference to wilt. Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS (Horticulture) explained about management practices in vegetables. On this occasion, Sarpanches of Kasna thanda, Gollacharla and Dhubba thanda, MPTC of Gollacharla also addressed the gathering. Smt. Padmaja, MAO, Dornakal, AEOs and 75 No.of farmers participated in the programme.