The New Delhi based African-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) entered an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University(PJTSAU) here on Monday through virtual mode. The MoU had been signed by the both the parties and for formal exchange of MoU copies was held online in the presence of Dr V Praveen Rao, Vice Chancellor, PJTSAU and the Secretary General, AARDO Dr Manoj Nardeo Singh. Dr. Praveen Rao and Dr Manoj Nardeo Singh, Dr RP Singh, Advisor AARDO were spoke on this occasion. Dr Jamuna Rani, Director, International Programmes has welcomed the dignitaries and explained about the MoU. The MoU proposes to achieve common objectives of mutual interest in the field of agriculture and rural development in AARDO countries by addressing the challenges through various interventions. Development of Human Resources, Pilot projects formulation, action research, organization of workshops, exchange of subject experts/specialists for sharing of knowledge, expertise etc. that need to worked out to meet common interests. While speaking at the virtual meeting Dr Manoj Nardeo Singh, had appreciated the efforts of Telangana Govt. for increasing of production and productivity of various crops. The major Crops grown in Telangana were also grown, many of African countries, the experiences and expertise would also benefitted for AARDO countries he said. AARDO recognized that, agriculture is the main contributor for rural development and food security & nutritional security he added. Further, he stated, AARDO is striving hard for poverty elimination, rural sustainability, nutritional security in African & Asian countries by partnering with several institutions. AARDO has entered 40 MoU’s with various organizations and Established 30 center of excellences in 12 countries he said. He says, by Networking with national and international organizations which enlarges our domain. He wished that, this partnership will go in a long way. He appreciated the Dr Praveen Rao for working hard for agricultural development in the state. Dr Praveen Rao, has explained about the university activities and accomplishments since its inception. University is giving top priority for providing of international quality infrastructure and entering of partnerships with national and international organizations for exchange of knowledge and expertise. Within short span PJTSAU, had stood among the top agricultural universities in the country he said. University had strong relationship with World Economic Forum, NABARD, IRRI, Telangana IT department etc. and working on emerging technologies like Block chain technologies, artificial intelligence, robotics, drone technologies in agriculture he said. University is also giving thrust for enable value addition for various crop produce. He said that, university had established the cold pressed sesame, groundnut, oil extraction units at various research centers. And also established the eco colors production unit in rajendranagar. PJTSAU is planning to connect 2500 rythuvedikas with high band connectivity which is providing by the state govt. which envisages direct contact with farmers he said. University is believes that, innovation and entrepreneurship in agriculture will ensure the doubling of farmers income, in view to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, PJTSAU has established the Ag Hub with the support of NABARD he added. Fifteen start ups were entered MoU with Ag Hub, and they are working on various innovations by using of emerging technologies in agriculture he said. Dr Praveen Rao, expressed happiness for entering MoU with AARDO. Dr Sudheer kumar, Registrar, PJTSAU, Dr Jagadeeshwar, DR, PJTSAU and university officers were attended the meeting. Dr Jamunarani proposed vote of thanks.