Training programme on “Novel approaches for quality seed production Technology in Field Crops” of SRTC, Hyderabad, organized at ARS, Karimnagar, on 15-03-2022

Training programme on “Novel approaches for quality seed production Technology in Field Crops” of SRTC, Hyderabad, organized at ARS, Karimnagar, on 15-03-2022

The training programme on “Novel approaches for quality seed production Technology in Field Crops” of Seed Research and Technology Centre, Rajendranagar, PJTSAU was organized at ARS, Karimnagar on 15th March 2022. It was organized with an objective of training the farmers in quality seed production in major agricultural crops of Karimnagar district with financial assistance of IISS, MAU under MSP (HRD) component. Dr. G. Manjulatha, Principal Scientist & Head, ARS, Karimnagar welcomed the guests and briefed about the importance of training. The chief guest of the training programme Dr. P. Jagan Mohan Rao, Director (Seeds) SRTC, Hyderabad emphasized that adoption of improved management technologies will quality of seed by following the seed act rules and guidelines, he suggested the farmers to go for seed production in pulses and oil seed crops in the villages to maintain the quality and purity of seeds at farmers level. Later, Dr.K. Parimala,Senior Scientist (Plant Breeding), SRTC delivered lecture on Seed production in Rice, followed by succeeding lectures on Seed production in maize by Dr. D.Sravani, Scientist (Plant Breeding), Seed production in Sesame by Dr.G.Usharani,Scientist (Plant Breeding), Management of pests and diseases in field crops by Dr.A.ViajayaBhaskar, Senior Scientist (Pathology) and lecture on Crop diversification with reference to Pulses by Sri.K.Shekar, Scientist (Crop Production) & Coordinator, DAATTC, Karimnagar respectively. Post lunch in Farmers Scientists interaction session, farmers raised queries on seed production in field crops. Dr.P.Madukar Rao, Dr.K.Madan mohan reddy and non-teaching staff of ARS & DAATTC, Karimnagar participated. A total of 83 progressive farmers of Karimnagar District covering 14 different villages have participated in the training. The programme closed with vote of thanks by Dr. V. Swarnalatha, Senior Scientist, SRTC. All the Farmers were shown the seed production plots of green gram, maize maintained at ARS, Karimnagar under field visit. Many farmers expressed their willingness to take up on seed production with the support of ARS, Karimnagar and SRTC, Hyderabad, PJTSAU from ensuing Vanakalam, 2022.