Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar Established Demo Unit on “Nutri Garden and Herbal garden for Nutritional and Health Security” with Financial Assistance by NABARD. Sri. Y.Krishna Rao Gaaru, Chief General Manager, NABARD inaugurated the Nutrigarden demo Unit on 15.11.2021. Plantating of Mango grafts in Nutrigarden was done by NABARD officials. Dr.M.Shankaraiah, Programme Coordinator, Emphasized on Importance and establishment of Nutrigarden demo Unit at KVK and its usefulness to the tribal farmers and farmwomen. T.Himabindu SMS (Horticulture) explained about the layout and different vegetable & fruit varieties/Hybrids included in the Nutrigarden demo unit. Sri. G.Santhanam, DGM, NABARD, Sri. P.P.Chahande, DGM, NABARD, Sr. J.S.Upadhyay, GM, NABARD, Smt. Smita Mohanty, GM, NABARD, DDM’s from all the Districts of Telangana, Dr.M.Goverdhan, Principle Scientist & Head, ARS, Dr.Swarnalatha Devi, Principal, APT, Kampasagar, Dr.P.Raghurami Reddy, Principle Scientist, Rice Research Station, Rajendranagar, KVK Scientists Dr.M.Shankar, Dr.T.Bharath, A.Saikiran and 20 farmers participated in the programme.