A training programme on “Production Technologies in Rabi Sunflower” under scheduled caste subplan (SCSP)” was organized for Ibrahimpur, Tornala and Ravurukala villages by Mrs. D. Swetha, Scientist (Agro) and Dr. A.V. Ramanjaneyulu, Sr. Scientist (Agro.) on 22-01-2021 at Siddipet. Dr. N. Sainath, Scientist (SSAC), Dr. E. Umarani, Scientist (Pl. Br.) and Mrs. A. Saritha, Scientist (Pl. Br.) from ARS, Tornala and Mr. J. Vijay, Scientist (TOT), DAATTC, Tornala village have participated in the programme. The Chief Guest of the programme Honarable Finance Minister, Shri. T. Harish Rao garu along with Shri. M. Ravinder Reddy, SUDA Chairman, Municipal Chairman, Marketing Chairman, MPP (Urban & Rural), ZPTC, MPTC, Mr. Devaiah, Sarpanch (Ibrahimpur), Mr. Devaiah, Sarpanch (Tornala), Mr. Ravinder, Sarpanch (Raorukala) and 63 beneficiary SC farmers from three villages (25 farmers from Ibrahimpur, 31 farmers from Ravurukala and 7 farmers from Tornala) have attended the programme. At the outset, Mrs. D. Swetha, Scientist (Agro.) has welcomed all, apprised of the objectives of the SCSP and agronomic practices to be followed for better yields in sunflower crop. Dr. E. Umarani, Scientist (Pl. Br.) discussed about different sunflower hybrids and seed production in sunflower crop. Dr. N. Sainath, Scientist (SSAC) explained about importance of soil health cards and soil test based fertilizer application in different crops. Dr. E. Umarani, Scientist (Pl. Br.) gave brief note on seed production in paddy, redgram and greengram. Mr. J. Vijay, Scientist (TOT) explained objectives and activities of DAATTC center, integrated nutrient management and IPM practices to be followed in sunflower crop. Later, Dr. A.V. Ramanjaneyulu gave an overview of research and extension activities of ARS, Tornala. Finally, Hon’ble Finance Minister, Shri. T. Harish Rao garu addressed the farmers about cultivation of Oilpalm, Mulberry, Gherkins and Noni crops for gaining higher profits. He appreciated the efforts of ARS and DAATTC, Tornala in extending agro advisories to the farmers of Siddipet district and also requested the farmers to follow the suggestions of scientists and thanked the scientists for organizing the training programme. At the end, Battery operated knapsack sprayers were distributed to 63 SC beneficiary farmers under SCSP funded under AICRP on Sunflower by ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad for the year 2019-20 on the hands of Hon’ble Finance Minister, Shri. T. Harish Rao garu.