Krishi Vigyan Kendra Bellampalli Mancherial organised training programme on recent developmental programmes in agriculture and allied sectors. After wards, tribal farmers were distributed with high yielding Jowar seed (MJ-278 Kinnera) as input and Knapsack sprayer as physical assets on 05-10-2021 at KVK instructional farm under TSP. In this programme, Dr. Rajeshwar Naik Programme Coordinator addressed the tribal farmers on the cultivation practices of Jowar seed MJ 278 Kinnera variety keeping in view of improving the standard of living in respect of health diet and doubling the farmer’s income and also suggested the importance of crop diversification in Yasangi 2021 as per Govt norms and regulation to cultivate Irrigated Dry crops in their fields. Dr. Shivakrishna Kota addressed the farmers on the important developmental programmes and schemes launched by the State and Central Government in the benefit to the farming community, particularly tribal farmers. Further added, information on the importance of the FPOs formation and its benefits. Later, farmers were informed to subscribe the Youtube channel of PJTSAU and KVK Bellampalli for update information on agriculture and allied activities in their mobile phones. A total of 32 tribal farmers subscribed the Youtube channel. At the end, farmers were distributed with Knnera (MJ 278) Jowar and knapsack sprayer under TSP 2021-22.