Honourable Vice Chancellor, Dr. V. Praveen Rao garu and Director of Research, Dr.R.Jagadeeshwar sir visited RARS, Warangal on 16-02-2021 to review the Technical Programme of Research. The visit began with farmers interaction programme on “Alternate methods of paddy cultivation” at Pallegutta, Chilkoor Mandal, Jangoan district in which scientific staff, department officials and about 150 farmers were participated. Hon'ble VC apprised the famers about the importance & benefits of different methodologies of paddy cultivation. It is followed by visit to RARS fields at Siddapur and research plots of paddy sown with different planting methods, viz., Machine transplanting, Dry sowing, Wet sowing, Broadcasting & manual transplanting. Later, the review meeting proceeded & Hon'ble VC has emphasized that, our research should meet the challenges of the major crops grown in the zone and apart from AICRP mandate, scientists should cater to all issues in the zone. Further, advised that each scientist should be in atleast 20 journals mailing list with in their respective subjects and everyone should download at least 20 research papers from Consortium for e-Resource in Agriculture (CeRA) of ICAR. Scientists should identify the research gap within their respective crops and focus on applied aspects of study. Suggested to carry out research for enhancement of crop productivity, development of tolerant varieties against biotic and abiotic stress, to develop complete package for all crops with respect to organic farming and to promote seed to seed mechanization in all major crops etc. Further, advised the newly recruited scientists to study enormous research literature to acquire latest knowledge and to build strong fundamentals. They should evolve with new innovative thoughts, formulate research projects etc. Later he visited exhibition of varieties and technologies, and Inaugurated Dal mill established in the station.