Dr. G. Trinadh Kumar, IFS, Inspector General of Forests (C), Hyderabad has visited PJTSAU campus on 11-11-2022. He was accompanied by Dr. R. Jagadeeshwar, Director of Research, PJTSAU, Dr. V. Vasudeva Rao, Principal Scientist (Retd.) from AINP on Vertebrate Pest Management, Dr. A.V. Ramanjaneyulu, Sr. scientist (Agro.) & Head and Dr. T. Chaitanya, Scientist (Soil Science), AICRP on Agroforestry during visit to Agribiodiversity park (ABDP). Dr. Trinadh was appraised of that this park is of second of it’s kind in India. It was established in 2008 with a view to conserve biodiversity in general and agribiodiversity in particular. It has 12 plantation blocks (Palms, Neem, Nallamaddi, Aonla, Fruit block, Jamun, Pogada, Ficus, VIP, Teak, Maredu, Tamarind) besides Mulagurd lake spread over an area of 150 acres. The officer was also shown a farm pond of 2000m3 which is dug to harvest rain water from catchment area with in the park, to irrigate plantations during dryspells. The issues like types of plants to be developed around farm pond, watch tower on the top of hillock, establishment of medicinal, oxygen park, sacred park, cactus, grasses block, bamboosetum and palmatum, meditation/yoga park etc., were thoroughly discussed. Development of mud puddlings for butterflies and natural niches for birds and animals came up for discussion. He has suggested development of contour trenches for water conservation in low lying patches. In view of presence of numerous big boulders in the park, he has advocated writing slogans and painting wild life pictures on them. He advised to uproot Lantana camara completely to avoid regeneration which otherwise infests entire park. He advocated establishment of smrithi vanams and Miyawaki forest in the park to make it attractive for the visitors. Dr. V. Vasudeva Rao suggested use of micro herbicides for the control of Lantana camara. He further suggested to visit some of rural and urban parks to replicate the utility models and signages in ABDP. The ornamental Lantana can be established in the butterfly garden. Dr. R. Jagadeeshwar suggested to display information on Wild Life Act. Dr. V. Sudharani, Director of Extension and Dr. C. Venu Gopal Reddy, PAIO have explained about Modern Agricultural Information Center developed in PJTSAU to the officer. Later, an interaction meeting was organized in Committee hall-1 where Dr. S. Sudheer Kumar, Registrar, Dr. Seema, Dean, Dr. R. Jagadeeshwar, Director of Research, Dr. V. Sudha Rani, Director of Extension, Dr. V. Anitha, Dean PG studies and other University Officers have participated. The Registrar has appraised of the officer regarding developments in park and issues related to opening the park to the public. Further, he has suggested to remove Subabul in PJTSAU with the help of ITC. In response to the query on financial resources, the IFS officer suggested to mobilize the same from CAMPA, Forest Development Corporation, various companies under Corporate Social Responsibility etc., He agreed to help in mobilizing the seed and planting material for bamboo and other species to be maintained in the park. Dr. Trinadh agreed to give lecture on Civil Services, forests and wild life for the benefit of students of PJTSAU with the request by the Dean. Further, Dr. V. Anitha had a chat with the visiting officer regarding forests situation in India. Dr. R. Jagadeeshwar has thanked Dr. Trinadh, the Registrar and all the University Officers for active participation and interaction.