As a part of iconic week celebrations under Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav programmes, the NSS unit of College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar conducted plantation programme at adopted village Gudur. Village sarpanch Sri Byagari Sathaiah garu, deputy sarpanch, ward member and local villagers participated in the programme. Sarpanch, deputy sarpanch along with NSS unit members have planted few saplings in the premises of Gram Panchayat office, Gudur. Later, the NSS members have visited the ZPHS school at Gudur and interacted with the students regarding the iconic week celebrations under Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav program. The students have participated in some cultural events like singing patriotic songs in the school premises. The NSS unit members also gave appreciation prizes to the students for their participation in the singing program. The program ended with distribution of snacks to the school children, village officials and other members who have attended the program.