Poshan Abhiyan and Awareness on Nutrigarden to Anganwadi Teachers was conducted at Anumula, Nalgonda District on 22-09-2020

Poshan Abhiyan and Awareness on Nutrigarden to Anganwadi Teachers was conducted at Anumula, Nalgonda District on 22-09-2020

The Poshan Maah and Awareness Programme on Nutrigarden was conducted by The Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar to Anganwadi Teachers at Women Development and Child Care Department (WD&CW), Anumula (V) & (M) on 22.9.2020. G. Krishnaveni, Research Associate (Home Science) briefed the importance of Balanced diet in daily life, nutritional requirements of Pregnant, lactating women with locally available low cost nutritional rich foods and different models of Nutri Kitchen garden with seasonal vegetables. After Smt. G. Padmavathi, Child Development Project Officer (CDPO), highlighted about the schemes of WD&CW Department. Later Kitchen Garden layout was planed at Anganwadi Center premises. Women Development and Child Care Department Supervisors, Block Coordinators and Anganwadi teachers all together 35 members were participated in the programme.