Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nizamabad has organized “Poshan Vatika Maha Abhiyan” at training hall on 17.09.2021 (Friday) in collaboration with IFFCO, Nizamabad as a part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. Dr. S. Naveen Kumar, Programme Coordinator of KVK, Nizamabad has given introductory remarks stating that millets are the mankind's most affordable source of vitamins and minerals needed for good health to stay healthy and strong in the present Covid situation. Sri. Sundareshan, Deputy Director, Spice Board, Nizamabad as Chief Guest stated that realizing the importance of millets intake along with spices in our daily diet is the first step to establish a life long healthy eating habit and avoiding health problems. Sri. Venkateshwar Rao, KRIBCO, Area Manager, Nizamabad detailed that research on many aspects revealed that eating millets in our daily diet help us to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes as adopted by our ancestors even thousands of years ago. Dr. R. Swamy, Associate Dean, CFST, Rudrur stated that farmers should start cultivating millets as they can be grown even in marginal conditions with highproductivity and short growing nature that help to benefit the small scale farmers and improve their economy condition. Smt. Prashanthi, Assistant Professor, CFST, Rudrur stressed the importance of millet based food and the need to women of its adoption for avoiding health issues at different age. Sri. Sivaramakrishna, Field Officer, IFFCO described the importance of vegetable production as a promising economic opportunity for reducing rural poverty & unemployment and is a key component of farm diversification strategies. During the course of the programme everyone have attended the Live webcasting of “Nutri Cereals multi stakeholders Mega convention” inaugurated by Sri. Narendra Singh Tomar, Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare and distributed the Vegetable seed kits and Fruit plants to the women farmers and girl students participated in the programme. Dr. M. Swetha, SMS (Agril. Extension) &Miss. B. Srilaxmi, SMS (Agro-Meteorology) have dealt the activities of vegetable seed kits and fruit plants distribution followed by plantation drive at KVK. Total number of participants is 108.