Hyderabad based Prathima Agri Services has entered an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU), here on Tuesday. The MoU program was held in virtual mode. Dr S Sudheer Kumar, Registrar PJTSAU and V Ramana Rao, CEO, Prathima Agri Services were signed MoU papers in the presence of Vice Chancellor, PJTSAU Dr V Praveen Rao. This MoU is intended to build mutual cooperation between the both institutes to take up farming as a service in the public interest of action research, policy analysis, policy advice, crop advisory, monitoring, evaluation, system development and technology development. To provide agriculture technical information for technology development of mobile app and e-commerce website of e-Raithu. e-Raithu is providing one stop solution for all kinds of agri inputs like crop protection, crop nutrition, seeds and implements with corresponding advisory and guidance to farmers at their doorstep. Further, it creates a difference in farming community by providing multiple brand high quality products at best competitive price at one place. In the initial phase it desires to open 30 retail outlets across Telangana and also planning for franchisee models. Each retail outlet will have three Agriculture graduates’/Diploma candidates to serve the farmers. It also desires to develop a mobile app and website as e-Raithu which includes services on crop advisories. Other than this, it also provides additional services like soil testing, water testing, smart card facility to track farming operations of farmers and Custom Hiring Centres of farm machinery. University officers of PJTSAU, and staff members of Prathima Agri services were participated in this MoU program.