88th Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Professor Jayashankar at College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad on 06-08-2021

88th Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Professor Jayashankar at College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad on 06-08-2021

The 88th Birth anniversary celebrations of Telangana movement ideologue Professor Jayashankar was celebrated on 06.08.2021 at the College of Agriculture, Rajnedranagar with fervour. The programme was started with the floral tributes to the Telangana legendary Professor Jayashankar by Dr C Narendra Reddy, the Associate Dean, College of Agriculture and other senior faculty, teaching and non-teaching staff of the College. On the occasion, the Associate Dean has remembered the contribution of Professor Jayashankar for achieving separate state hood and urged the teaching and non-teaching staff to aim towards fulfilling the vision of the legendary by reorienting ourselves to the profession with utmost dedication. The entire teaching faculty, Heads of the Department, non-teaching staff attended the celebration duly following COVID-19 protocol.