Quinquennial Review Team (2011-12 To 2018-19) Visit to KVK, Wyra on 31-10-2019

Quinquennial Review Team (2011-12 To 2018-19) Visit to KVK, Wyra on 31-10-2019

Quinquennial review team meeting was held at KVK, Wyra on 31.10.2019. Dr.S.N. Puri, Chairman of QRT, Former Vice Chancellor, CAU, Imphal, QRT members- Dr.N. Sudhakar, Former Director, ATARI, Hyderabad, Dr. H. Phillip, Former Director of Extension, TNAU, Coimbatore, Dr. N. Nagarja, Former Director of Extension, UAS, Bengaluru, Dr. B.T. Rayudu, Principal Scientist, ICAR- ATARI, Bengaluru were present for reviewing the 7 KVK’s of Central and Northern Telangana Zone. ICAR- ATARI- Zone–X, Dr. Y.G.Prasad, Director, Dr. Chari Appaji, Principal Scientist, Dr. Bhaskaran, Principal Scientist were also present along with QRT. Dr. P. Jagan Mohan Rao, Associate Director of Research, CTZ, RARS, Warangal, Programme Co-ordinators and SMS’s of all the disciplines (Crop Production, Crop protection, Horticulture, Home Science, Fisheries and Extension) of 7 KVK’s (KVK- Wyra, KVK-Malyal, KVK- Mamnoor, KVK- Rudrur, KVK-Adilabad, KVK-Jammikunta, KVK- Ramgirikhilla) were present for the QRT reviewing. The programme was started by visiting the Demo units and KVK, Farm by QRT, Chairman and Team members, then the exhibition stall made by 7 KVK’s of CTZ and NTZ was inaugurated by QRT, Chairman, Dr.S.N. Puri, and stalls were visited by all the QRT, Chairman, Team members and other officers. The formal inauguration done by lighting of lamp and introductory remarks. Presentations on the significant achievements and impact pertaining to the period for 2011-12 to 2018-19 were made by all the PC’s and SMS’s of individual disciplines of 7 KVK’s of CTZ and NTZ and suggestions were given by the QRT, chairman and team members for KVK’s development. Further the QRT, chairman and team members interacted with progressive farmers and enquired about the problems, constraints faced by the farmers and how the KVK’s are educating and helping in crop management for successful farming. The programme ended with vote of thanks and Felicitation to the QRT, Chairman, Team members and ICAR - ATARI- Zone –X, Director and Principal Scientists.