Regional Agricultural Research Station and Krishi Vigyana Kendra, Palem jointly organized a training Programme on "Phosphorus nutrient management in high ‘P’ accumulated soils for rice" under RKVY 2020-21 at Seminar hall of KVK, Palem on 26.02.2021. Dr. T. Prabhakhar Reddy (PC, KVK, Palem) enlightened the farmers about reasons for P accumulation in rice growing soils and discussed about nutrient management practices for improving use efficiency of fertilizers. Dr. D. Vijaya Lakshmi, Scientist (Soil Science), RARS, Palem briefed about problem soils and their management. In this programme Scientists of RARS & KVK, Palem i.e. Dr.Jhansi Rani, Scientist (Plant Breeding), Dr.K.Sridhar, Scientist (Agro.), Sri.M. Rajashekhar, SMS (Plant Protection), Mr.B.Rajashekhar, SMS (Extension), Mr. K. Ramakrishna, SMS (Crop Production), Dr. A. Shankar, SMS (Horticulture) and Dr. Afifa Jahan, SMS (Home Science) were participated and highlighted the importance of IPM and ICM practices in Paddy, Groundnut and Millets. A total of 31 ST farmers were participated.