Agricultural College, Polasa, Jagtial has conducted the Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) on 31st October,2019. NSS Programme officer Dr.T.Srikanth gave the introduction about the vallabhai patel .On the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhai patel Associate Dean (i/c) Dr.P.Swarna sree attended and expressed her views about the importance of rashtriya ektha diwas .In her views rashtriya ektha diwas "will provide an opportunity to re-affirm the inherent strength and resilience of our nation to withstand the actual and potential threats to the unity, integrity and security of our country." Professor M.Balram in his address expressed that the Iron man of India Shri Vallabh Bhai Patel told that “Manpower without Unity is not a strength unless it is harmonized and united properly, then it becomes a spiritual power”. Good relationship among the people of the nation is a binding force that brings peace and development and also enable us to unify against various threats of enemies. OSA Dr.K.Chandrasaker and Dr.O.Sampatjh said that the role of ‘Iron Man’ of India Sardar Vallabh bhai patel in the integration of the country post independence in 1947. The task of uniting 565 princely states specially the Nizam of Hyderabad was a Herculean task and it was done by none other than the Iron Man of India. At end of the programme NSS Programme officer Alavala Umarajashekhar given with formal vote of thanks. The programme was culminated by thoughtful and inspirational messages about national security and communal harmony to maintain cohesive peace and unity among the citizens of our country. This will be a great help in building our vast and diverse nation into a great nation that have the capability to become a superpower. Teaching staff Dr.Ch.Arua Kumari, Dr.P.Arun kumar, Dr.Y.Archana karuni, Dr.A.Krishna Chaitanya ,Miss C.Yamuna ,Dr.N.Mahesh were participated in this programme. At end of the programme NSS Programme officer Alavala Umarajashekhar given with formal vote of thanks.Students & teachers took an oath to preserve the unity, integrity and security of the nation in the spirit of unification of the county.