The College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar has celebrated the Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) on 31.10.2021 to commemorate the birth anniversary of late sri Sardar Vallabhai Patel, the first home minister of India, who was instrumental in the unification of India. On the occasion, Dr SJ Rahaman, the Senior Professor and University head, Entomology has garlanded to the portrait of Sardar Vallabhai Patel and paid floral tributes. The administrative officer, teaching and non teaching faculty and students also paid floral tributes to the portrait of Sri Vallabhai Patel. On the occasion, Dr S J Rahman , the professor and Head of the Department of entomology has remembered the contributions of the Vallabhai Patel in the political integration of India. A pledge was administered by the staff and students who were present on the occasion.