Dr. S. Sudheer Kumar,Registrar, PJTSAU & Estate Officer (FAC) has inspected the college building which is under construction at Agricultural College, Palem on 10.01.2023 to verify the progress of the building in view of inauguration.Along with the Registrar, PJTSAU, Dr. R. Jagadeeshwar, Director of Research, PJTSAU,Dr. B. Pushpavathi, Associate Dean, AGC, Palem, Dr. M. Goverdhan, ADR, RARS, Palem,Er. Murali, Executive Engineer, PJTSAU,Er. Venkatakrihsna, DE (Civil & Electrical), PJTSAU, Dr. S. Srinivasa Reddy, Asst. Professor (Ento.), Officer in-charge building, AGC, Palem and other faculty from Agricultural College, Palemwere also associated. During his visit, the Registrar, PJTSAU has given certain suggestions to Engineering Personnel of PJTSAU wise provision of robust plinth protection, construction of platforms in all laboratories, partition in staff rooms, construction of compound wall, false roofing in some of the class rooms, provision of good drainage system to the building for improving facilities and strengthening of the building. He also suggested the engineers to finish construction works within a week.