Technologies Developed

Technologies Developed

Successful attempts made at realizing short term objectives based on immediate needs of the farmers and policies of the Government made the University more proactive and received the appreciation from the agricultural fraternity. The results of the research carried out in the recent past were transformed into Agro technologies (more than 200 technologies) which are being acclaimed as ecosystem based, cost effective, resource and energy efficient thus buffering the challenges posed by climate change and associated risks. The following are some important technologies developed for field implementation.

  • Profitable cropping systems with broad bed & furrow and ridge-furrow configuration for Vertisols
  • Optimal sowing window and sowing method in Dry Direct Seeded Rice (D-DSR)
  • Soil test based prescription equations for balanced fertilizer use and targeted yield of Bt cotton in Vertisols
  • Nitrogen management in dry converted wet rice system
  • Water budgeting of Alternate Wetting and Drying rice (AWD) with drum culture Technique
  • Novel insecticide combinations for the control of sucking pests and pink bollworm in cotton
  • Integrated bird management in maize using reflective ribbons and wrapping method
  • Soybean storage technology: Impact on quality and health of treated seeds
  • Up scaling of productivity of yellow Jowar by nutrient management in rice fallows
  • A Farmer Friendly Technology for Machine Transplanting
  • Evaluation of Perennial grass based cropping systems for year-round supply of fodder for milch animals
  • Paired row planting for Yield maximization of Red gram
  • Mechanization in Red gram cultivation
  • Agro technology on Raising of Rice Mat Nursery on Polythene Sheet.
  • Mechanization in maize from seed to harvest through multi crop vacuum planter.

Agro-technologies Booklets released

Agro Technilogies 2016-18

Agro Technilogies 2018-19

Agro Technilogies 2019-20

Agro Technilogies 2020-21

Agro Technilogies 2021-22

Agro Technilogies 2022-23

Seed Production and Supply

PJTSAU is involved in continuous quality seed production and supply to all the stakeholders including farmers, public and private seed firms / organizations in and outside of Telangana State as per the indents received. During 2022-23 PJTSAU produced about 17,115.07 q of various class of seed i.e., breeder seed (2682.71 q), foundation seed (10492.86 q), truthfully labeled seed (3185.85 q) and seed production under seed hubs (753.65 q) in the major crops viz., Rice, Maize, Millets, Pulses, Oil Seeds, Forage crops, etc and made available for sale to the farmers at various research stations.