Information made available under Right to Information Act, 2005 - Section 22 of Act, 2005 (Central Act) - obligation under section 4 (1) (b) of Act and other information on the activities of the University.
The Professor Jayashankar Telangana Agricultural University (PJTAU) was established through a Gazette Notification (Part-I Extraordinary) No.43 dated 03.09.2014 in exercise of the powers conferred by section 101 of the A.P. Re-organization Act, 2014 (Central Act No.6 of 2014). Further, the Government of Telangana accorded permission for adaptation of Act and Statutes for PJTAU and adaptation of all administrative, academic and general regulations for PJTAU for smooth functioning of the University with respect teaching, research and extension activities.
PJTAU is the only Farm University of the Telangana State and caters to the needs of an enterprising farming community of Telangana, which is endowed with abundant natural resources, diverse soil and agro-climatic conditions suitable for varied cropping systems and has the potential to become the 'Seed Bowl of India'.
PJTAU envisions itself as a Centre of Excellence, a one-stop destination for agricultural innovation encompassing Education, Research and Extension through all faculties, to empower farmers and rural communities ensuring evergreen prosperity. It aims to create faster and present to the world a crop of altruistic agricultural leaders and entrepreneurs who will strive to work for an ecologically and nutritionally balanced future for the State, Country and the World at large.
Train human resource needed for Agriculture, Agriculture Engineering and Technology, Community Science and allied sectors for the development of the State of Telangana.
Conduct Basic and Applied research to develop improved varieties and technologies for sustainable agricultural development.
Promote on-farm research and Technology Assessment, Refinement and transfer of knowledge through participatory approaches.
Build partnerships and linkages with national/ international educational / research / developmental institutions, rural development sector and agro-industries.
To serve the cause of Agriculture and allied Sciences by producing globally competitive quality human capital, generating cutting edge technologies to address contemporary challenges of agricultural sector and evolving responsive, effective and dynamic outreach mechanisms.
The multi-faculty and multi-campus University has 10 Colleges (7 in Agriculture, 2 in Agricultural Engineering & Technology and 1 in Community Science), 13 Polytechnics (Twelve in Agriculture and one in Agricultural Engineering), 15 Research Stations including 3 Regional Agricultural Research Stations and 30 All India Coordinated Research and Net work Projects, nine District Agricultural Advisory and Transfer of Technology Centres (DAATTCs), eight Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), Extension Education Institute (EEI), Agricultural Information and Communication Centre (AI&CC), Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) and Electronic Wing across the State with around 2547 scientific, supporting and administrative staff, apart from a good contingent of labour force.
The University is largely supported by the Government of Telangana, which provides 75 to 80 % of the finance for conducting teaching research, and extension activities under Non-plan and also for specific schemes sanctioned under the State Plan. The non-plan funds are meant to meet the expenditure of the University in respect of schemes and the Colleges transferred from the Government.
The University is also the recipient of funds from ICAR, Government of India and several other National and International Agencies and industry. Financial assistance by the ICAR, as developmental grants for educational institutions and also for implementing a number of coordinated projects and ad-hoc projects, is also being provided every year. The University takes up Research Schemes financed by the State and National Agencies like the ICAR, GoI, DBT, DST, SERB, NASF, NABARD etc., The Government of India finances some of the extension activities of the University. Such finances are provided mainly for maintenance and strengthening of Extension Education Institute and its training programmes and also for specific extension projects.
As a part of its democratic functioning, the Government of India has passed legislation in the form of Right to Information Act, 2005 to create a better informed citizenry and make all the transactions of the Governmental operations transparent in order to curtail corruption and promote accountability in public funded organizations. The PJTAU is in full compliance to the Act.
Section 4(1) (b) and 4(2) of the Right to Information Act 2005 stipulates every public authority to update at regular intervals all the information that is being transacted and generated by it. It is also the obligation of the Government organization to provide all the information to any citizen or citizen groups who are interested in knowing any aspect of the organization's functioning.
The information about PJTAU has been kept in the website and all citizens can access it and the information is periodically updated.
Citizens can visit any of the offices of PJTAU spread all over the state and have access to verify, inspect, take notes, take extracts or certified copies of documents, records and other such information being processed and held under the control of these offices.
Citizens can also have access to such information, which is not readily available in a published form. These are in the form of process notes, internal note files etc., In this case, citizens can ask for specific information in writing through an application. The required information will be compiled and given to the citizen as required by him/her within the time period and will be communicated to the applicants. PIO's and APIO's have been appointed to cater to the information requirements of the citizens approaching the various offices of PJTAU spread over the State. The Registrar, PJTAU, Hyderabad is the Appellate Authority and all appeals by the citizens will be reviewed by the Registrar.
The cost incurred towards duplicating, photocopying or copying the information in print or electronic form and postages if any, needs to be borne by the individuals requesting the information. The actual cost will be intimated to the individuals requesting the information. The activity of processing and compiling the required information will only start after the fee is paid to the appropriate authority.
The Professor Jayashankar Telangana Agricultural University (PJTAU) was established on September 2014 under the PJTAU act 1963. The university mandate is to generate manpower for agriculture and allied fields (Education), develop technologies for improvement in Agriculture and Community Science (Research) and enlighten the farmers on new farm technologies (Extension).
The University is governed by Board of Management comprising 21 members and the Board of Management is headed by the Vice-Chancellor. The Vice-Chancellor is supported by University Officers viz., Registrar, Dean of Agriculture, Dean of Agriculture Engineering & Technology , Dean of Community Science, Director of Research, Director of Extension, Dean of PG Studies, Dean of Student Affairs, Controller of Examinations, Comptroller, Estate Officer and the University Librarian in University management.
The academic affairs of the University are governed by the Academic Council and respective Faculty Boards led by the Vice-Chancellor. The Research and Extension services are guided by the Research and Extension Advisory Council (REAC) and State Level Coordination Committee (SLCC).
The Registrar has the responsibility of University administration. The Deans of Faculties are responsible for the organization and work of education in the concerned faculty. The PG dean looks after various postgraduate degree programmes, academics, exams, evaluation and issue of provisional degree certificates The Director of Research coordinates the planning and execution of research by the University. The Director of Extension is responsible for formulating and functioning of university extension services.
The Dean of Student Affairs looks after the student welfare measures. The Estate Officer in responsible for civil works and maintenance of University buildings and lands. The COE looks after conducting of exams, evaluation and issue of provisional degree certificates The Comptroller looks after University budget and financial matters. The University Librarian maintains all the campus libraries and organizes their services.
The academic and administrative matters of the constituent colleges are looked after by the respective Associate Deans whereas; the Associate Directors of Research have the responsibility of planning and implementing the research programme of work in their concerned zone.
PJTAU has three faculties of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering & Technology and Community Science offering Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral programmes. University also offers two/three year diploma courses in English medium for 10th class passed rural students in Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering. In all, the University has 10 Colleges (Seven in Agriculture, Two in Agricultural Engineering and One in Community Science faculties), 13 Polytechnics (12 in Agriculture and 1 in Agricultural Engineering) and 11 private polytechnics are affiliated (Seven in Agriculture, one in Organic Farming and three in Agricultural Engineering). There are 15 Research Stations and 30 AICRP and AINP situated across the three agro-climatic zones of the State. It has nine District Agricultural Advisory and Transfer of Technology Centres covering all the districts and eight Krishi Vignan Kendras at different locations besides the Agricultural Information and Communication Centre (AI&CC), Extension Education Institute (EEI), Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) and Electronic Wing at the main campus.
Hon'ble Governor of Telangana, Sri. Jishnu Dev Varma is the Chancellor of the University. Vice-Chancellor is the Academic Head and Principal Executive Officer of the University.
Dean of the Faculty:
Associate Dean of the College:
University Head:
Heads of the Department:
Associate Professor:
Assistant Professor:
Every functionary will have to perform the job assigned to him to derive the remuneration entitled. Every job carries certain functions, which will have to be made known to the functionary to follow and to the assessor to monitor the performance. In agricultural research under the University, the following scientific functionaries are involved.
One of the University Officers as per the Statutes, located at the University Headquarters with Statewide jurisdiction and answerable to the Vice-Chancellor on all matters (Technical and administrative) relating to agricultural research for supporting States agricultural development. He /She will perform the following functions.
Associate Director of Research (Headquarters)
Zonal Associate Directors of Research (ADRs)
The Associate Directors of Research at the Zonal level will be responsible for proper administration of the research projects and personnel at the Zonal level as DRs Representative responsible for the development of physical and infrastructure facilities
Principal Scientists (Crops and Themes)
Heads of the Research Stations
Senior Scientists / Scientists
Scientific Staff at Headquarters:
Director of Research is assisted by Deputy Director of Research and Principal Scientists (Research), who in-turn are assisted by the supporting staff comprising six sections headed by a Superintendent.
The cases relating to service matters will be dealt by respective service sections through Director of Research / Registrar. Principal Scientists (Research) and Deputy Director of Research will circulate the files put up by the respective research section through superintendent after offering the remarks / comments for approval by the DR / Comptroller / Registrar / Vice Chancellor as per the allotted subjects.
The various activities carried out by the scientific staff at headquarters include,
Director of Extension
Asst. Director of Extension
Senior Scientist (Extension): Associate Professor Cadre at RARS
Programme Coordinator (P.C.) (Assoc. Professor in Extension Education):
Subject Matter Specialist (Agronomy): (Asst. Professor Cadre)
Subject Matter Specialist (Extension): (Asst. Professor Cadre)
Subject Matter Specialist (Pl. Protection): (Asst. Professor Cadre)
Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture): (Asst. Professor Cadre)
Subject Matter Specialist (Animal Husbandry): (Asst. Professor Cadre)
Subject Matter Specialist (Community Science): (Asst. Professor Cadre)
Programme Assistant (Farm Manager)
Programme Assistant (Lab Technician)
Programme Assistant (Computer)
Coordinator: (Asst./Assoc. Professor Cadre)
Scientist (Crop Production): (Asst. /Assoc. Professor Cadre)
Scientist (Crop Protection): (Asst. / Asso. Professor Cadre)
Scientist (Transfer of Technology): (Asst. / Asso. Professor Cadre)
Scientists (Crop production / Crop protection/ Horticulture/ Animal Husbandry)
Professor (Extension Methods & Director)
Professor (Extension Sciences)
Associate Professor (Human Resource Development)
Associate Professor (Information Technology)
Associate Professor (Training Management)
Associate Professor (Extension Management)
Associate Professor (Communication Management)
Assistant Professor (Multi & Print Media)
Assistant Professor (Management Sciences)
Assistant Professor (Monitoring & Evaluation)
Assistant Professor (Computers ICT)
Assistant Professor (Organizational Behavior/ Organizational Development)
Assistant Professor (Extension)
Agricultural Information and Communication Centre
Principal Agril. Information officer
Responsible to the Director of Extension in the functioning of AI&CC and PJTAU Press.
Research Editor
Agricultural Information Officer
Editor and Translator
Dean of Community Science Faculty
Associate Dean of Community Science College
University Head
Head of the Departments (Common)
General administration (Tech, Non-Tech, finance, labour)
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Dean of Agricultural Engineering & Technology Faculty
Associate Dean of the College
University Head
Heads of the Department
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Joint Registrar | Overall Supervision of the Administration in all issues. |
Deputy Registrar | Supervising all the administrative matters and recruitments, appointments, promotions, transfers and all court cases. |
Deputy Comptroller | Control all the accounts sections. He/She is accountable for the work of the Assistant Comptrollers working under and maintaining integrity and coordination with administration. |
Assistant Comptroller | Ensuring speedy disposal of pay bills and other contingent bills after pre-audit. He will obtain replies to audit objections for dropping, maintain cash books and prepare monthly accounts and attend reconciliation and compilation of accounts. |
Assistant Registrar | Supervising the Sections under his / her control and complete the day to day work within the stipulated time. He / She should attend the meetings with Secretariat people and ascertain the position as and when required with the permission of the Registrar. He/ She has to guide the Sub-ordinate staff working under his / her control and cooperate in the official correspondence and assist the Officials while taking decisions to run the administration. |
Administrative Officer | Drawing and disbursing of the salaries, contingencies etc., of the College. Supervise and direct all the ministerial staff and any other correspondence. Check and sign all the cashbooks, service registers and stock registers etc., Assisting the Associate Dean in all matters of the college and attend any other duties assigned to him. |
Superintendent | Distribution of tappals among the Section. Preparation of Para wise remarks of court cases and issue orders based on the approval of the higher authorities. Overall supervision of the Section work. |
Senior Assistant | Receiving currents from Section Superintendent and put up files pertaining to the Seat, which he / she is attending with rule position. He/ She should acquaint with the administration, accounts, pensions, disciplinary cases, leave rules etc., and issue orders based on the approval of the higher authorities. |
JACT | Attend typing / Computer work assigned to him by the Superintendent / Senior Assistant of the Sections and to look after other works, if any assigned by the section Superintendent. |
U.D.Steno | Act as personal Assistant to the Officer and maintain confidential Records. He will record minutes of different meetings and maintain the concerned files. |
Cashier | Drawing and disbursing of cash with respect to salaries, TA etc., maintain relevant records and cash book . |
Agricultural Officer | Supervision of all Farm Operations, Cultivation of Crops, Preparation of the land required for by various departments and maintenance of crop cafeteria of farm. Maintaining stock registers and stores and supervise the Sub-Assistants. Operation and maintenance of machinery, electrical motor pump sets. Attending muster, distribution of labour, preparation of labour wages and maintenance of acquaintances. |
AEO | Looking after filed works, collection of data, supervision of fields and assisting scientists in conducting- experiments, collection of experiments & weather data, DMS and supervising the work of casual labourers and any other duties assigned by the scientists. |
Field Supervisor | Supervising labour, field operations and issue Farm implements and tools. Maintenance of Farm Machinery, Bullocks drawn implements and carts |
Cine/Projector Operator | Arranging public address system for any official meeting in the University and repair the equipment. |
Artist-Cum-Photographer | Taking photos in all programmes/functions of the University, NSS camps, sports activities etc., |
Mechanic Grade-I | Assisting the course in charge in conducting practical classes of all the courses related to work shop, Farm Machinery and Power Laboratories, processing laboratory and other laboratories of the college. Attending to minor repairs and maintenance of the Machinery including Tractors, Farm Machinery and other Machinery. Responsible for Overall maintenance of the work shop. |
Senior Technician | Maintenance and repairs of all Audio, Video and Computer equipment. Editing Video Recorded Tapes, maintaining Seminar Hall and Electronic equipment and record extension programmes. |
Electrician | Maintenance, repairs and replacements of Electrical items. |
Carpenter | Maintaining Wooden Farm Implements, repair Wooden plough body and handles and Farm Implements. |
Assistant Librarian | Acquisition of books, Supervise all the library staff, assigning the duties. Preparing the annual reports and verify the stock. Attending to the orientation classes, see the computerization and networking of libraries and attend all the duties assigned by the University Librarian. |
Technical Assistant | Taking the responsibility of Assistant Librarian in the absence, Monitoring the computerization, maintain the recent additions, classification and cataloguing of documents. |
Senior Library Assistant | Acquisition control, looking after ordering, classification and cataloguing. In charge of text books, reference books and abstracting service on computer. |
Junior Library Assistant | In charge of the Periodicals, renewals, subscriptions, reminders, etc., |
Shelf Assistants | Shelving the books, look after the circulation counter, issuing reader tickets, etc., |
Junior Binder | Library binding work, repairs of the books, labelling, posting and stamping etc., |
Deputy Executive Engineer | Looking after the new constructions in the University and also in charge of sanctions. |
Assistant Engineer | Supervising the works in the University and miscellaneous works. |
Record Assistants | Closing office disposals, keeping the record in the record room and stitching of file disposals etc., Maintenance of attendance, leave account of Staff, sending circulars letters to other stations and dispatch work. |
Drivers | Driving Tractor, Jeep, Car and heavy vehicles as per the instructions of the higher authorities / immediate Officer. |
Tractor Driver | Maintenance of Tractors, Trailers and Tractor drawn implements. Operation of power tiller and its maintenance. |
Office Subordinate | Carrying of files from one Section to another and attending the works assigned by Superior Officers and keeping the office building and premises neat and clean. |
Watchman | Watch and ward duty for safeguarding the University property (movable and immovable) during day and nighttime. |
Agricultural Workman | Assisting the Scientist & Technical Staff on the field in conducting field experiments and preparation of fields like sowing, irrigation, weeding and harvesting. |
The following are the Authorities of the University, namely:
Principal Secretary to Government of Telangana, Panchayat Raj and Rural Development, Secretary to Government, Finance & Planning Department, Government of Telangana. Commissioner and Director of Agriculture, Government of Telangana. Director of Animal Husbandry, Government of Telangana and Nominee of the Director General, Indian Council of Agril. Research, New Delhi.
Members Representing; Distinguished Agricultural Scientist (One); Academic Council of PJTAU (Three); Telangana State Legislature and Parliament (Four); Progressive Agriculturists (Four); Agro-industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Two) Registrar of the University is the non-Member Secretary to the Board of Management.
The board is the Apex Body, responsible for all policy decisions of the University as laid down in the Act and meets once in two months.
The Academic Council is the principal body vested with the responsibility of implementing and monitoring all the academic programmes. The Council is headed by the Vice-Chancellor as the Chairperson and consists of Deans, Director of Research, Director of Extension, University Heads of Departments and Professors as Members. In addition, the Council consists of ten academicians representing different faculties nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and one representative of the Board of Management. The Council normally meets once in six months.
The multi-faculty nature of the University, with three functional faculties, namely Agriculture, Community Science and Agricultural Engineering & Technology and Postgraduate Studies, is guided by independent Faculty Boards, which are convened to meet as and when academic programmes of the concerned faculties need discussion and decision. The Faculty Boards are headed by the respective Deans. All issues concerned with academic matters such as formulation of course curricula, syllabi, examinations, student evaluation procedures and such other matters are first tabled for discussion in the respective Faculty Boards, before referring to the Academic Council.
In the realm of Research and Extension, which are the major and key components of activities of the University, in addition to academic programmes (Teaching), the Research and Extension Advisory Committee (REAC) headed by the Vice-Chancellor functions as the principal decision making body. The REAC is guided by the Zonal Research and Extension Advisory Councils (ZREAC) constituted for each of the three Agro-climatic Zones. The REAC as well as ZREACs have representatives from the Line departments of the Government of Telangana such as Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Women and Child Welfare, farmers, industries, besides academicians.
In Addition to the powers and functions mentioned in section 20 of the Act, the Board shall exercise and perform the following powers and functions, namely.
Term of the teachers nominated by the Vice-Chancellor to the Academic Council
The term of the teachers nominated by the Vice-Chancellor to the Academic Council shall be two years from the date of nomination or from the date of occurrence of the vacancy whichever is later.
Powers and duties of the Academic Council
In addition to the powers functions and duties mentioned in section 22 the Academic Council shall have the following powers.
Powers and duties of the Boards of Faculties
The Boards of Faculties shall have the following powers; namely
Statutes and Regulations
How statutes are made
Categories of Documents and Records | Controlling Officer |
1. All administrative records, stock files, recruitments, transfers, deputations etc | Registrar |
2. All Research records, stock files etc., | Director of Research |
3. All teaching records, stock files, admissions (UG & Diploma), student particulars, hostel Particulars, curriculum and examinations, degrees etc.,. | Dean of Agriculture |
4. All PG admissions, curriculum and examinations etc. | Dean of PG Studies |
5. All Extension activities, stock files etc., | Director of Extension |
6. Tenders, civil works etc. | Estate Officer |
7. Library activities, stock files etc. | University Librarian |
8. Budget records, stock files etc. | Comptroller |
9. Basic records, stock files, field layout plan, Research records, stock registers | Associate Director of the Research/Head of Research Station/Scheme |
10. Student particulars and hostel particulars, admissions, examinations etc. | Associate Dean & Principal |
11. Extension related records, on farm trials, training programmes, meetings etc. | Coordinator DAATTC KVK, EEI, ATIC, electronic wing etc. |
1. Board of Management
The Board of Management of PJTAU is the apex body, empowered to make decisions, with the Vice-Chancellor as its Chairman, who is also the Chief Executive of the University.
The Board of Management has representatives from State Legislature / Parliament (4), the Agro-industry (2) and State Chamber of Panchayat Raj (1) as well as Agricultural Scientific Community (1). In addition, one representative from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, three Members of Academic Council of the University, Secretaries to Government from Panchayat Raj and Finance Departments and Directors of State Departments of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry are also the Members of the Board of Management of PJTAU
2. Academic Council.
The Academic Council is vested with the responsibility of implementing and monitoring all the academic programmes. The Council is headed by the Vice-Chancellor as Chairperson and consists of Deans of Faculties, Directors of Research and Extension, University Heads of Departments and Professors as Members. In addition, the Council consists of ten academicians representing different faculties nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and two representatives of the Board of Management. As Chief Executive of the University the Vice-Chancellor is vested with the powers and responsibilities for the academic administration.
3. Research and Extension Advisory Council (REAC)
The Vice-Chancellor is the Chairperson for the Research and Extension Advisory Council (REAC). Director of Extension, Director of Research, three farmers, seven Members of Coordinator of DAATTCs, Programme Coordinators of KVKs, Board of Management of PJTAU, all the Associate Directors of Research, representatives of Progressive Farmers of the three agro-climatic zones, two representatives of Agri-business Consortium, two Eminent Scientists and special invitees representing three zones of the State act as Members of the REAC. This Council suggests the research strategies based on feedback on the problems encountered by the farmers of the State.
4. District Level Coordination Committee (DLCC) for DAATTCs
The District Level Coordination Committee (DLCC) for each DAATTC is constituted to oversee the functioning of the district centres in planning, coordination, execution, and midterm review of its programme.
The District Level Coordination Committee consists of
The members of DLCC under item no. iv, v and vi will be identified and proposed by the coordinator of DAATTC in consultation with the ADR of the zone and District Heads of the line Departments and this will be approved by the Director of Extension, PJTAU.
District Level Coordination Committee will decide joint action plan of DAATTC to suit the farm and farming systems of the district.
District Level Coordination Committee will meet twice in a year, one before each session to decide seasonal joint action plans, to review the work done in the previous season/year in the district and suggest improvements needed. Whereas the heads of concerned line departments of the district will prepare their action plans for the district and present before DLCC for discussion and approval for implementation.
Name of the University: Professor Jayashankar Telangana Agricultural University
Place : Rajendranagar Hyderabad, Telangana State.
Pin Code : 500 030
Website :
Revised U.G.C. Pay Scales 2016
Sl.No | Designation | Scale of pay (Rs.) | Remarks |
1 | Vice-Chancellor | 210000 | -- |
2 | Registrar | 106990 - 158380 | -- |
3 | Dean | 144200-218200 | -- |
4 | Director | 144200-218200 | -- |
5 | Comptroller | 106990 - 158380 | State Govt. |
6 | Estate Officer | 83100 - 154690 | State Govt. |
7 | University Librarian | 144200-218200 | -- |
8 | Associate Dean | 144200-218200 | -- |
9 | Associate Director of Research | 144200-218200 | |
10 | Vice-Principal | 131400-217100 | -- |
11 | Professor (cadre) | 144200-218200 | -- |
12 | Associate Professor (cadre) | 131400-217100 | -- |
13 | Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) (CAS) | 79800-211500 | -- |
14 | Assistant Professor (Senior Scale) | 68900-205500 | -- |
15 | Assistant Professor (cadre) | 57700-182400 | -- |
16 | Physical Director (SG) | 79800-211500 | |
17 | Physical Director (Sr. Scale) | 68900-205500 | |
18 | Physical Director | 57700-182400 | -- |
19 | Asst. Librarian (Selection Grade) | 79800-211500 | -- |
20 | Asst. Librarian (Sr. Scale) | 68900-205500 | -- |
21 | Asst. Librarian | 57700-182400 |
S.No. | Designation | Scale of pay (Rs.) | Remarks |
1 | Joint Registrar | 76830-151000 | -- |
2 | Executive Engineer (Civil) | 72850-147310 | -- |
3 | Deputy Registrar/ Deputy Comptroller | 67300-143890 | -- |
4 | Transport Officer | 62110-140470 | -- |
5 | Medical Officer | 58850-137050 | -- |
6 | Deputy Executive Engineer (Civil) | 62110-140470 | -- |
7 | Deputy Executive Engineer (Elect.) | 62110-140470 | -- |
8 | Assistant Registrar / Assistant Comptroller / Administrative Officer / P.A. to Vice Chancellor | 54220-133630 | -- |
9 | Manager (Press) | 51320-127310 | -- |
10 | Assistant Statistician | 45960-124150 | -- |
11 | Assistant Publicity Officer | 45960-124150 | -- |
12 | Agriculture Officer | 51320-127310 | |
13 | Assistant Executive Engineer (Elec.) | 54220-133630 | -- |
14 | Assistant Engineer(Civil) | 45960-124150 | -- |
15 | Assistant Engineer (Elec.) | 45960-124150 | -- |
16 | Engineering Supervisor | 45960-124150 | -- |
17 | Automobile Supervisor | 45960-124150 | -- |
18 | Superintendent | 42300-115270 | -- |
19 | Special Category Steno | 42300-115270 | -- |
20 | Statistical Assistant | 42300-115270 | -- |
21 | Foreman (Printing) | 38890-11510 | -- |
22 | Technical Assistant (Library) | 42300-115270 | -- |
23 | Computer Programmer / Technical Assistant | 38890-11510 | -- |
24 | Public Relation Officer | 38890-11510 | -- |
25 | Senior Assistant | 33750-99310 (EIP) 32810-96890 (FE) |
-- |
26 | Upper Division Steno | 33750-99310 (EIP) 32810-96890 (FE) |
-- |
27 | Draughtsman Grade-II | 35720-104430 | -- |
28 | Line Inspector | 31040-92050 | -- |
29 | Mechanical Supervisor | 31040-92050 | -- |
30 | Senior Proof Reader | 31040-92050 | -- |
31 | Artist-cum-Photographer | 31040-92050 | -- |
32 | Computer | 32810-96890 | -- |
33 | Field Investigator | 31040-92050 | -- |
34 | Foreman (Automobile) | 331040-92050 (ITI Certificate holders) 26410-78820 (for non ITI holders) |
-- |
35 | Mechanic Grade-I (Automobile) |
31040-92050 (ITI Certificate holders) 26410-78820 (for non ITI holders) |
-- |
36 | Mechanic Grade-I | 31040-92050 (ITI Certificate holders) 26410-78820 (for non ITI holders) |
-- |
37 | Senior Library Assistant | 33750-99310 | -- |
38 | Care Taker for hostel | 31040-92050 | -- |
39 | Laboratory Assistant | 28630-85240 | -- |
40 | Senior Technician(Production) | 27130-80960 | -- |
41 | Electrical Supervisor | 27130-80960 | -- |
42 | Draughtsman Grade-II | 32810-96890 | -- |
43 | Pharmacist Grade-II | 27130-80960 | -- |
44 | Computer-cum-Estimator | 27130-80960 | -- |
45 | Offset Cameraman | 27130-80960 | -- |
46 | Surveyor | 27130-80960 | -- |
47 | Overseer | 26410-78820 | -- |
48 | Mid Wife | 28630-85240 | -- |
49 | Senior Machine Minder | 26410-78820 | -- |
50 | Senior Compositor | 26410-78820 | -- |
51 | Junior Proof Reader | 26410-78820 | -- |
52 | Offset Machine man | 26410-78820 | -- |
53 | Projector / Cine Operator | 26410-78820 | -- |
54 | Driver (H.V) (Driver/Tractor) | 26410-78820 | -- |
55 | Printer-cum-Grinder (formerly known as Mono- caster) |
26410-78820 | -- |
56 | Mechanic Grade-II (Auto) | 26410-78820 (for ITI Trade Certificate Holders) 22240-67300 (for non ITI holders Personal) |
-- |
57 | Mechanic Grade-II | 26410-78820 (for ITI Trade Certificate Holders) 22240-67300 (for non ITI holders Personal) |
-- |
58 | Mechanic Attendant | 26410-78820 (for ITI Trade Certificate Holders) 22240-67300 (for non ITI holders Personal) |
-- |
59 | Farm Mechanic | 26410-78820 (for ITI Trade Certificate Holders) 22240-67300 (for non ITI holders Personal) |
-- |
60 | Welder | 26410-78820 (for ITI Trade Certificate Holders) 22240-67300 (for non ITI holders Personal) |
-- |
61 | Turner | 26410-78820 (for ITI Trade Certificate Holders) 22240-67300 (for non ITI holders Personal) |
-- |
62 | Pump Set Driver | 26410-78820 (for those who possess the qualification prescribed under the rules) 21580-65570 (for unqualified existing incumbent) |
-- |
63 | Oil Engine Driver | 26410-78820 (for those who possess the qualification prescribed under the rules) |
-- |
64 | Instrument Mechanic | 26410-78820 (for those who possess the qualification prescribed under the rules) |
-- |
65 | Assistant Mechanic | 21850-65570 (for unqualified existing incumbent) |
-- |
66 | Electrician | 26410-78820 (for those who possess the qualification prescribed under the rules) 21580-65570 (for unqualified existing incumbent) |
-- |
67 | Mechanic Grade-III | 26410-78820 (for those who possess the qualification prescribed under the rules) 21580-65570 (for unqualified existing incumbent) |
-- |
68 | Pipeline Fitter | 26410-78820 (for those who possess the qualification prescribed under the rules) 21580-65570 (for unqualified existing incumbent) |
-- |
69 | Farm Machine Operator | 26410-78820 (for those who possess the qualification prescribed under the rules) 21580-65570 (for unqualified existing incumbent) |
-- |
70 | Gas Mechanic | 26410-78820 (for unqualified existing incumbent) 21580-65570 (non ITI holders) |
-- |
71 | Fitter | 26410-78820 (for those who possess ITI trade Certificate) 20280-62110 (for unqualified existing incumbent Personal) |
-- |
72 | Pipeline Operator | 26410-78820 (for those who possess ITI trade Certificate) 20280-62110 (for unqualified existing incumbent Personal) |
-- |
73 | Junior Library Assistant | 27130-80960 | -- |
74 | Drilling Machine Operator | 24280-72850 | -- |
75 | Tracer | 24280-72850 | -- |
76 | Junior Assistant (Converted as Junior Asst.- cum-Typist / Typist / Lower Division Clerk (Stores)) |
24280-72850 | -- |
77 | Telephone Operator | 24280-72850 | -- |
78 | Lower Division Steno | 24280-72850 | -- |
79 | Sub-Assistant (Agri. Extension Officer) | 26410-78820 | -- |
80 | Computer Operator | 24280-72850 | -- |
81 | Data Entry Operator | 24280-72850 | -- |
82 | Filed Assistant | 22900-69150 | -- |
83 | Driver (L.V) (Driver / Tractor) | 22900-69150 | -- |
84 | Auto Driver / Motor Cycle Messenger | 22900-69150 | -- |
85 | Blacksmith Grade-I | 22240-67300 (for those who possess the qualification prescribed under the service rules for ITI certificate holders) 21580-65570 (for unqualified existing incumbent personal) |
-- |
86 | Carpenter Grade-1 | 22240-67300 (for those who possess ITI trade certificate) 21580-65570 (unqualified existing incumbent personal) |
-- |
87 | Moulder | 22240-67300 (for those who possess ITI trade certificate) 20280-62110 (unqualified existing incumbent personal) |
-- |
88 | Blacksmith Grade-II | 22240-67300 (for those who possess ITI trade certificate) |
-- |
89 | Carpenter Grade-II | 22240-67300 (for those who ITI trade certificate) 20280-62110 (unqualified existing incumbent personal) |
-- |
90 | Cashier | 22900-69150 | -- |
91 | Compositor | 22240-67300 | -- |
92 | Offset Machine Attendant (formerly known as Copy Holder) | 22240-67300 | -- |
93 | Roneo Operator | 22240-67300 | -- |
94 | Record Assistant | 22240-67300 | -- |
95 | Xerox Operator | 22240-67300 | -- |
96 | Dark Room Assistant | 21580-65570 | -- |
97 | Shelf Assistant | 22240-67300 | -- |
98 | Plumber | 21580-65570 | -- |
99 | Jamedar | 21580-65570 | -- |
100 | Senior Binder | 21580-65570 | -- |
101 | Craftsman | 21580-65570 | -- |
102 | Pump Fitter | 21580-65570 | -- |
103 | Masan | 21580-65570 | -- |
104 | Work Inspector Gr-ll | 21580-65570 | -- |
105 | Dresser | 20280-62110 | -- |
106 | Cine Technician | 20280-62110 | -- |
107 | Tin Smith Grade-I | 20280-62110 | -- |
108 | Junior Binder | 20280-62110 | -- |
109 | Junior Binder | 19640-60480 | -- |
110 | Head Waiter | 19640-60480 | -- |
111 | Cook | 19640-60480 | -- |
112 | Filed Supervisor | 20280-62110 | -- |
113 | Nursing Orderly | 19000-58850 | -- |
114 | Cleaner / Tractor Cleaner | 19000-58850 | -- |
115 | Office Subordinate / Messenger / Bearer / Server | 19000-58850 | -- |
116 | Watchman | 19000-58850 | -- |
117 | Sweeper | 19000-58850 | -- |
118 | Kamati / Kamatan | 19000-58850 | -- |
119 | Sanitary Worker (formerly scavenger) |
19000-58850 | -- |
120 | Farrashi / Insect Setter | 19000-58850 | -- |
121 | Ward Boy | 19000-58850 | -- |
122 | Ayah | 19000-58850 | -- |
123 | Games Boy | 19000-58850 | -- |
124 | Runner | 19000-58850 | -- |
125 | Marker | 19000-58850 | -- |
126 | Laboratory Boy | 19000-58850 | -- |
127 | Gasman | 19000-58850 | -- |
128 | Agricultural Workman | 19000-58850 | -- |
129 | Gardner | 19000-58850 | -- |
130 | Malan / Mali | 19000-58850 | -- |
131 | Maistry | 19000-58850 | -- |
132 | Ploughman | 19000-58850 | -- |
133 | Helper | 19000-58850 | -- |
134 | Luskar / Mate | 19000-58850 | -- |
135 | Khalasi | 19000-58850 | -- |
136 | Waiter | 19000-58850 | -- |
137 | Work Inspector Grade-V | 19000-58850 | -- |
138 | Groundman | 19000-58850 | -- |
139 | Offset Machine Attendant | 19000-58850 | -- |
140 | Pot Culture Boy | 19000-58850 | -- |
State Public Information Officer and Appellate Authority (SPIO & AA)
S.No | Name of the Officer | Designation | Address | Phone Nos. |
1 | Dr.G.E.Ch.Vidya Sagar | Registrar | Administrative Building, Rajendranagar Hyderabad Pin - 500030 | Ph : 91-040-24002314 Mobile: 91-8790814166 Fax: 040-24018653 E-mail: |
S.No | Name of the Officer | Designation | Address | Phone Nos. |
1 | Dr.M.Balram | Director of Research | Administrative Building, Rajendranagar Hyderabad Pin- 500030 | Phone: 040-24015078 Mobile:8179540261 E-mail: |
2 | Dr.K.Jhansi Rani | Dean of Agriculture | Administrative Building, Rajendranagar Hyderabad Pin- 500030 | Phone: 040-24015197 Mobile No.: 9121107201 E-mail: |
3 | Dr.Ch.Venu Gopala Reddy | Dean of Student Affairs | Administrative Building, Rajendranagar Hyderabad Pin- 500030 | Phone: 040-24015423 Mobile: 91541 13827 E-mail: |
4 | Dr.K.B.Eswari | Dean of P G Studies | Administrative Building, Rajendranagar Hyderabad Pin- 500030 | Phone: 040-24013092 Mobile: 9246219200 Email: |
5 | Dr. V. Vijaya Lakshmi | Dean of Community Science | Administrative Building, Rajendranagar Hyderabad Pin- 500030 | Phone: 040-24015224 Mobile: E-mail: |
6 | Dr.M.Yakadri | Director of Extension | Administrative Building, Rajendranagar Hyderabad- 30 | Phone: 040-24015057 Mobile: 9121107201 E-mail: |
7 | Dr. M. Malla Reddy | Controller of Examinations | Administrative Building, Rajendranagar Hyderabad Pin- 500030 | Phone: 040-24015516 Mobile: 7093003987 E-mail: |
9 | Sri. P. Mohan Reddy | Estate Officer | Administrative Building, Rajendranagar Hyderabad Pin- 500030 | Phone: 040-24015315 E-mail: |
10 | Dr. K. Jhansi Rani | Dean of Agril. Engineering and Technology (FAC) | Administrative Building, Rajendranagar Hyderabad Pin- 500030 | Phone: 040-24015011 Mobile: 9121107201 E-mail: |
11 | Dr. N.P. Ravikumar | University Librarian (FAC) | KMC, PJTAU Campus, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad | Phone: 040-24015319 Mobile: 9989625235, |
S.No | Name of the Officer | Designation | Address | Phone Nos. |
1 | Dr. V. Sudhakar | Public Relation Officer | Admn. Office, PJTAU, Rajendranagar Hyderabad - 500 030 | Phone: 040-24014463 Email: |
S.No | Name of the Officer | Designation | Address | Phone Nos. |
1 | Dr. T. Shashikala | Director, Planning and Monitoring | Admn. Office, PJTAU, Rajendranagar Hyderabad - 500 030 | Phone: 040-24002223 Mobile: 91-8008104976 Email: |
S.No | Name of the Officer | Designation | Address | Phone Nos. |
1 | Dr. C. Narendra Reddy | Associate Dean | College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad -500 030 | Phone: 040-24014573 Mobile: 9989625201 email: |
2 | Dr. J Hemanth Kumar | Associate Dean | Agricultural College, Aswaraopet, Khammam District. Pin: 507 301 | Phone: 08740-255466 Mobile: 8143238636 Email: |
3 | Dr. Bharathi Narayan Bhatt | Associate Dean | College of Agriculture, Jagtial, Karimnagar, District. Pin: 505 327 | Phone: 08724-277355, 08724-277282 08724-500560 Mobile: 9866030807 Email: |
4 | Dr.B.Pushpavathi | Associate Dean | Agricultural College, Palem, Nagar Kurnool District Pin: 509 215 | Phone: 08540-228646 Mobile: 9948099640 Email: |
5 | Dr.G. Sridevi | Associate Dean | Agricultural College, Siricilla, Rajanna Siricilla District- 505 301 | Phone 9100554947 |
6 | Dr. A. Venkat Reddy | Associate Dean (FAC) | Agricultural College, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Warangal, Warangal Dist. Pin 506 007 | Phone No : 0870-2100236 Mobile: 8978722300 Email : |
7 | Dr. G. Manoj Kumar | Associate Dean | College of Agricultural Engineering, Kandi, Sangareddy District, Pin: 502 001 | Phone No: 08455-270003 Mobile No: 1. 8978577339, 2. 9392080403 Fax No.08455-276066 Email: |
8 | Dr. V. Vijaya Lakshmi | Associate Dean | College of Community science, Saifabad, Hyderabd - 500 004, | Phone No. 040-23230781, 23244058 Fax No. 040- 23230781 Mobile No. 7673902144 |
9 | Dr. D. Kalpana | Associate Dean | College of Food Science & Technology, Rudrur-503 188 | Phone No. 08467-284433
Mobile No.9492700965, Email |
10 | Dr. Sreedhar Chauhan | Associate Dean | Agricultural College, Adilabad - 505 002, Adilabad district |
Phone: 08732-226863 Fax: 08732-226863, 9494989718 e-mail: |
11 | Dr. S. Sridevi | Associate Dean | Agricultural College, Tornala– 502114, Siddipet District |
Phone: 9849822270 e-mail: |
12 | Dr. C. Sudhakar | Associate Director of Research, FAC | Regional Agril. Research Station Palem- 509 215 Nagar Kurnool District. | Phone: 08540-221017. Fax No. 221177 Mobile: 8008311779 |
13 | Dr. D. Srilatha | Associate Director of Research, FAC | Regional Agricultural Research Station, Polasa -505 321 Jagtial Dist. |
Phone No : 08724-277281 Mobile: 9989625213 Fax :08724-277282 Email : |
14 | Dr. R. Uma Reddy | Associate Director of Research | Regional Agricultural Research Station, Mulugu Road, Warangal -506 007 | Phone No : 0870-2100236 Mobile: 9989625223 Email : |
S.No | Name of the Officer | Designation | Address | Phone Nos. |
1 | Dr. C. Sudhakar | Principal | Agriculture Polytechnic Regional Agricultural Research Station Palem -509 315 Nagar Kurnool District. | Phone No : 08540-221177 Mobile: 7337399452 Fax : Email :, |
2 | Dr. D. Srilatha | Principal | Agriculture Polytechnic Regional Agricultural Research Station Jagtial -505 321, Karimnagar Dist. | Phone No : 08724-277282 Mobile: 6300010422 Fax :08724-277282 Email : |
3 | Dr. N. Lingaiah | Principal | Agriculture Polytechnic Agricultural Research Station Kampasagar, Miryalaguda -508 207 Nalgonda Dist. | Mobile: 9949301819 Email : |
4 | Sri. M.Vijay Kumar | Principal | Agricultural Polytechnic, Basanthapur, -502249, Nyalkal Mandal, Sangareddy District | Mobile: 9573299000 Email : |
5 | Dr. K. Rukmini Devi | Principal i/c | Agriculture Polytechnic ARS, Madhira Khammam dist. | Mobile: - 7675050041 Email :- |
6 | Miss Spandana Jagga | Vice-Principal | Agricultural Polytechnic, Sangupet, Jopgipet -502273, Andole Mandal , Sangareddy District. | Mobile: 9494821351 Email: |
8 | Dr. E. Srinivas | Principal | Agricultural Polytechnic, Jammikunta, Old SRSP Quarters, AMC Road, Jammikunta – 505 122, Karimnagar District | Phone No. 7331103026 Email: |
9 | Vice-Principal | Agricultural Polytechnic, Malthummeda – 503108, Nagireddypet, Kamareddy District | Phone No. 9515122898, Email: | |
10 | Dr. S. Sridevi | Principal | Agricultural Polytechnic, Tornala – 502114, Siddipet District | Mobile: 9515103828, 9849822270 |
11 | Principal | Agricultural Polytechnic, Rudrur – 503 188, Nizamabad District | Mobile: 7337399458 | |
12 | Dr. M. Parimal kumar | Principal | Agricultural Polytechnic, Narayanapet - 509210, Narayanapet | Mobile: 9948589387 E-mail |
13 | Dr. G. Manoj Kumar | Principal | Agricultural Engineering Polytechnic, Kandi, Sangareddy Kandi– 502 285, Sangareddy District | Mobile:8978577339 |
S.No | Name of the Officer | Designation | Address | Phone Nos. |
1 | Dr. G. Manjulatha | Principal Scientist & Head | Agril. Research Station, Karimnagar - 505 002 Dist: Karimnagar | Phone: 0878-2254280, 9989625218 e-mail: |
2 | Dr. Sreedhar Siddi | Scientist & Head | Agricultural Research Station, Kunaram - 505 174 Dist: Peddapalli | Phone: 08728 – 200328, 9849635235 e-mail: |
3 | Dr. T. Anjaiah | Principal Scientist & Head | Regional Sugarcane and Rice Research Station, Rudrur - 503 188 Dist: Nizamabad | Phone: 08467-284024 Fax: 08467-284024, 9848493441 e-mail: |
4 | Dr. B. Ramprasad | Sr. Scientist & Head | Agricultural Research Station, Adilabad - 505 002 Dist: Adilabad | Phone: 08732-226863 Fax: 08732-226863, 9494989718 e-mail: |
5 | Sri. K. Vijay Kumar | Scientist & Head | Agricultural Research Station, Mudhol - 504 102 Dist: Adilabad | Phone: 08752-254243 Fax: 08752-254243, 9885551624 e-mail:, |
6 | Dr. K. Rukmini Devi | Principal Scientist (Br) & Head i/c | Agricultural Research Station, Madhira - 507 203 Dist: Khammam | Phone: 08749-274235 Fax:- 08749-274235, 9640370666 e-mail: |
7 | Dr. M. Vijay Kumar | Principal Scientist & Head | Agricultural Research Station, Basanthpur Mamidigi, Nyalkal mandal Dist: Medak | Phone: 08451-280141, 9849535756 e-mail: |
8 | Dr. T. Shobha Rani | Scientist & Head | Agricultural Research Station, Nathnaipally Narsapur Division Dist: Medak | Phone:08458-287368, 8897403230 e-mail: |
9 | Dr. Nelagundarashi Lingaiah | Principal Scientist & Head | Agricultural Research Station, Kampasagar, Miryalaguda Dist: Nalgonda | Mobile : 7337399467 e-mail: |
10 | Dr. S. A. Hussain | Principal Scientist & Head | ARI Main Farm, Agricultural Research Institute, Rajendranagar - 500 030 Hyderabad | Phone: 040-24015324 e-mail:, |
11 | Dr. Ch. Damodar Raju | Principal Scientist & Head | Rice Research Unit, ARI, Rajendranagar - 500 030 Hyderabad | Phone: 040-24015817
8179540261 e-mail: |
12 | Dr. P. Rajaiah | Principal Scientist & Head | Farm Implements and Machinery Scheme, ARI, Rajendranagar - 500 030 Hyderabad | Phone: 040 - 24018277, 040-24015011 Fax : 040 – 24018277,8106211166, e-mail: |
13 | Dr. A. Madhavi | Principal Scientist & Head | Radio Tracer Laboratory, ARI, Rajendranagar - 500 030 Hyderabad | Phone: 040-24014404 8712100008 e-mail: |
14 | Dr. A. Madhavi | Principal Scientist & Head | AICRP on STCR Scheme, ARI, Rajendranagar - 500 030 Hyderabad | Phone: 040-24001601, 8712100008 e-mail: |
15 | Dr. A. Madhavi | Principal Scientist & Head | AICRP on Micro & Secondary Nutrients Scheme, ARI, Rajendranagar - 500 030 Hyderabad | Phone: 040-24011456 Fax: 040-24011456, 9848976765 e-mail:, |
16 | Dr. K. Rama Krishna Babu | Principal Scientist & Head | AICRP on Biological Control of Crop Pests and Weeds, Rajendranagar - 500 030 Hyderabad | Phone:040-24015011 Ext:428 Mobile: 9848421791 e-mail: |
17 | Dr. P. Leela Rani | Principal Scientist (Agro.) & Head | Agro Climate Research Centre (ACRC), ARI Rajendranagar - 500 030 Hyderabad | Phone: 040-24016901
, 9989625231 e-mail: |
18 | Dr. A. Madhavilatha | Director | Seed Research & Technology Centre, Rajendranagar - 500 030 Hyderabad | Phone: 040-24015382 Fax: 040-24018111,8008404874 e-mail:, |
19 | Dr. C. V. Sameer Kumar | Director | Institute of Biotechnology, Rajendranagar - 500 030. Hyderabad | Phone:24015011 Extn.: 384, 386, Mobile: 9885483252 e-mail:, |
20 | P. Rajanikanth | Project Coordinator | AINP on Vertebrate Pest Management, Rajendranagar - 500 030 Hyderabad | Phone: 040-24015754 Fax : 040-24001786, 9440411166 e-mail: |
21 | Dr. T. Ram Prakesh | Principal Scientist & Head | AICRP on Weed Management, Diamond Jubilee block , Rajendranagar - 500 030 Hyderabad | Phone: 040-24017205 Fax: 040-24017205,9491021999 e-mail: |
22 | Dr. M. Goverdhan | Principal Scientist & Head | Integrated farming systems Diamond jubilee block , Rajendranagar - 500 030 Hyderabad | Phone:040-24017463, Fax: 040-24017463, 9989633306 e-mail: |
23 | Dr. K.P. Vani | Director | Water Technology Centre, Diamond jubilee block , Rajendranagar - 500 030 Hyderabad | Phone:040-24001445 Fax: 040-24001445, 9440494019 e-mail: |
24 | Dr. A. V. Ramanjaneyulu | Principal Scientist & Head | AICRP on Agro-forestry, Rajendranagar - 500 030 Hyderabad | Phone:040-24010116, 9553522001 e-mail: |
25 | Dr. P. Jagan Mohan Rao | Principal Scientist & Head | AICRP on Forage crops, Rajendranagar - 500 030 Hyderabad | Phone:040-24001706 Fax: 040-24001706, 9849152482 e-mail: |
26 | Dr. G. Sridevi | Principal Scientist & Head | AINP on Pesticide Residue scheme , Rajendranagar - 500 030 Hyderabad | Fax : 040-24016367, 944258050 e-mail: |
27 | Dr. K. Aparna | Principal Scientist & Head | Quality Control Lab, Rajendranagar - 500 030 Hyderabad | Phone:040-24013456, 9246112225 e-mail: |
28 | Dr. M. Prameela | Senior Scientist (Pathology) | Mushroom cultivation unit, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar - 500 030 | Phone: 24015011 Ext: 376 9866706545 e-mail: |
29 | Dr. R. Neela Rani | Unit Coordinator | AICRP on Home Science, Rajendranagar - 500 030 | Phone:040-24011263 Fax: 040-24011263, 9550704672, e-mail: |
30 | Dr. M.Sujatha | Principal Scientist & Head | Maize Research Station, Rajendranagar - 500 030 | Phone:040-24018447 Fax: 040-24016810, 8008123671 e-mail:, |
31 | Dr. C. Sudha Rani | Principal Scientist (Agro) & Head | Agricultural Research Station, Tandur - 501141 | Phone: 08411-292518,
9849626312 e-mail: |
32 | Dr. V. Ramulu | Director, International Programmes | Administrative Building | Phone: +91 - 040-24015011 extn 349 |
S. No | Name of the DAATTC | Relocated to | New operational areas/ Districts (No of mandals) |
1. | DAATTC, Rangareddy | ARS, Tandur | Vikarabad (18 mandals), Rangareddy (Chevella (4) & Rajendranagar (4) divisions) and Medchal |
2. | DAATTC, Nalgonda | Yadadri Bhuvanagiri | Yadadri Bhuvanagiri (16) & Janagaon (13) |
3. | DAATTC, Mahaboobnagar | RARS, Palem | Mahaboobnagar (15) & Rangareddy (Shadnagar (6)) |
4. | DAATTC, Warangal | RARS, Warangal | Warangal Urban (11), Jayashankar Bhupalapally (10) & Mulugu (9) |
5. | DAATTC, Khammam | ARS, Tornala | Siddipet (22) Medak (Medak division (10)) |
6. | DAATTC, Sangareddy | APT, Jogipet | Sangareddy (26) and Medak (Narsapur (5) & Tupran (5) |
7. | DAATTC, Adilabad | ARS, Mudhol | Nirmal (19) |
8. | DAATTC, Nizamabad | APT, Malthummeda | Kamareddy (22) |
9. | DAATTC, Karimnagar | ARS, Karimnagar | Jagtial (18) & Rajanna Sircilla (13) |
S.No | Name of the Officer | Designation | Address | Phone Nos. |
1 | Dr. E. Narsaiah | Coordinator | District Agricultural Advisory & Transfer of Technology Centre, Agricultural Research Station, Mudhole-504 102, Nirmal district. | Telephone No. 08752 293243 Mobile No. : +91 9989623816 |
2 | Dr. K. Madan Mohan Reddy | Coordinator | District Agricultural Advisory & Transfer of Technology Centre, Agricultural Research Station, Karimnagar-505 001, Karimnagar district. | Mobile No. : 9989623818 E-mail : |
3 | K.Saritha | Coordinator | District Agricultural Advisory & Transfer of Technology Centre, Agricultural Polytechnic, Sangupet, Jogipet-502 273, Sangareddy district. |
Mobile: 99896 23819 E-mail: |
4 | Mr.K.Shekar | Coordinator | District Agricultural Advisory & Transfer of Technology Centre, Agricultural Research Station, Tandur-501 141, Vikarabad district. |
Mobile: 99896 23821 E-mail : |
5 | Dr. B. Anil Kumar | Coordinator | District Agricultural Advisory & Transfer of Technology Centre, District Collectorate Complex, Pagidipally- 508286, Yadadri Bhuvanagiri district. |
Mobile: 99896 23815 Telephone No. 08682 226547 Mobile No.: 9989623815 |
6 | Dr. A. Madhavi Latha | Coordinator | District Agricultural Advisory & Transfer of Technology Centre, Agricultural Polytechnic, Malthummeda-503 108, Kamareddy district. |
Mobile: 9866930111 E-mail: |
7 | Sri. J. Vijay | Coordinator | District Agricultural Advisory & Transfer of Technology Centre, Agricultural Research Station, Tornala-502 114, Siddipet district. |
Mobile: 99896 26813 E-mail: |
8 | Dr. B. Dileep Kumar | Coordinator | District Agricultural Advisory & Transfer of Technology Centre, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Warangal-506 007, Warangal Urban district |
Mobile: 99896 23814 E-mail: |
9 | Dr. Ch. Bharat Bhushan Rao | Coordinator | District Agricultural Advisory & Transfer of Technology Centre, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Palem-509 215, Nagarkurnool district. | Telephone No. 08542-279156 Mobile No.: 9989623820 |
S.No | Name of the Officer | Designation | Address | Phone Nos. |
1 | Dr. Y. Praveen Kumar | Programme Coordinator | Krishi Vigyan Kendra Agricultural Research Station, Adilabad-504 002 | 08732-220458 08732-220458 |
2 | Dr. T. Anjaiah | Programme Coordinator | Krishi Vigyan Kendra PO: Rudrur- 503 188, Nizamabad | M: 99896 23830 08467-284555 08467-284555 |
3 | Dr. K. Ravi Kumar | Programme Coordinator | Krishi Vigyan Kendra Agricultural Research Station, PO: Wyra, Khammam | M: 99896 23831 08749-251803 08749-252748 |
4 | Dr. S. Srinivasa Rao | Programme Coordinator | Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar - 508 207, Nalgonda district |
M: 7702544771 |
5 | Dr. T. Prabhakar Reddy | Programme Coordinator | Krishi Vigyan Kendra O/o Regional Agril. Research Station, Palem - 509215, Nagarkurnool district |
M: 7702366110 08540-228644 |
6 | Dr. S. Malathi | Programme Coordinator | Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal - 506101, Mahabubabad district |
M: 9849988231 08719-240182 |
7 | Dr. Shivakrishna Kota | Programme Coordinator | ITDA Building, Bellampalli, Mancherial Dist. 504 251 |
M: 9100229854 Email: |
8 | Dr. V. Laxmi narayanamma | Programme Coordinator | H.No.15-6-10/7, Subhash Chandra Bose Nagar (SCB Nagar) Ramavaram, Kothagudem Mandal, Bhadradri Kothagudem District. |
M: 998633364 Email: |
S.No | Name of the Officer | Designation | Address | Phone Nos. |
1 | Dr. M. Jagan Mohan Reddy | Director | EEI, Rajendranagar Hyderabad - 500 030 Telangana State | M: 9849738102 040-24015368 040-24016367 |
S.No | Name of the Officer | Designation | Address | Phone Nos. |
1 | Dr. R. Sunitha Devi | Principal Agricultural Information Officer | PJTAU Press. Rajendranagar, Hyderabad - 500 030 Telangana | M: 9989625242 040-24015380, |
S.No | Name of the Officer | Designation | Address | Phone Nos. |
1 | Dr.M. Sreenivasulu | Coordinator | Electronic Wing, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad District- 500 030, Telangana | M: 9154921220 040-29807962 Email: |
The following books/publications are brought out by the University Press, periodically.
In addition to these publications, University also produces number of interactive DVDs for Public use, on various topics related to Agriculture and allied sciences.