The Rythu Nestam live programme conducted at Electronic Wing Studio of PJTSAU on 16.07.2024 from 10.00 AM – 12.30 PM. The programme started with Dr. S. Sridevi, Principal Scientist (Soil Science) & Head, ARS, Tornala and explained the “Fertilizer Management in Vaanakalam Crops” which is crucial for successful cultivation of Vaanakalam crops. Also advised the farmers about the importance of soil test based fertilizer application which can contribute sustainable agriculture to ensure food security. After that, Dr P. Srinivas, Scientist (Horticulture), Turmeric Research Station, Nizamabad briefed the “Fertilizer Management Practices in Turmeric” as the crop is nutrient intensive and high value cash crop grown for its rhizomes to use culinary and medicinal purpose. Further, suggested best management practices to obtain higher yields with quality rhizomes. At the end of the session farmers queries were clarified from different Rythu Vedikas of Telangana. At this “Rythu Nestham” program, Dr. M. Sreenivasulu, Co-ordinator, Electronic Wing participated along with team from PJTSAU and Sri B. Singareddy, DDA (Extension, Rythu Vedikas) with team from Department of Agriculture attended along with 4426 farmers through video conference from 110 Rythu Vedikas across the state.