Rythu Nestham Live Program (Episode-34 Date: 26.11.2024)

Rythu Nestham Live Program (Episode-34 Date: 26.11.2024)

Rythu Nestam Live video conferencing 34th episode was conducted live from Electronic Wing Studio of PJTAU on 26.11.2024 from 10.00 AM – 11.30 AM. The program started with the presentation of Dr. D. Srilatha, Principal Scientist (Agronomy), RARS, Jagtial on zero tillage Crops Cultivation In Paddy fields and Yasangi Crops Cultivation in Place of Paddy. She Emphasized on advantages of zero tillage and repalcing paddy with other crops for sustainable agriculture and by adopting minimal usage of chemical fertilizers, pesticides to conserve soil health and environment for future generation without any harm to the natural resources. Also, she mentioned the significance of resource conservation, enhancing the soil microbial population and quality crop returns by following conservation agriculture and crop diversification. After her presentation another Scientist Dr. N. Ramgopal Varma, Principal Scientist (Entomology), Rice Research Station, Rajendranagar has explained about the Instructions for use of drones in Agricultute. He highlighted about different kind drones and its use in different fields. Particularly he specified about the utility of drones in agriculture to overcome labour shortage and employment generation to the rural youth. Drones are very essential in coming days for Agriculture to cultivate larger area to meet food demand of burgeoning population with less drudgery. Simliarly he has suggested the youth to get trained at drone academy which is running at PJTAU campus. Also replied to the questions raised by the famers across the state from various Rythu vedikas on this topic. This programme concluded with discussion among scientists and farmers from different Rythu vedikas across the state on questions raised by the farmers. The programme was attended by Dr. M. Sreenivasulu, Coordinator of the Electronic Wing, along with his team from PJTAU and Officials from Directorate of Agriculture and Department of Agriculture and about 14,000 farmers from 566 Rythu Vedikas across the state.