Rythu Nestham Live Programme [Episode-35] conducted on Summer Ploughing on 03-12-2024

Rythu Nestham Live Programme [Episode-35] conducted on Summer Ploughing on 03-12-2024

Rythu Nestam Live video conferencing 35th episode was conducted live from Electronic Wing Studio of PJTAU on 03.12.2024 from 10.00 AM – 11.30 AM. The program started with the presentation of Dr. Y.Chandra Mohan, Principal Scientist (Plant breeding), Institute of Rice Research, ARI, Rajendranagar, on Rice Nursery management and rice varieties suitable to Yasangi. He explained various precautionary measures to be taken for protecting paddy nurseries against prevailing low temperatures. Later in the session he briefed on varieties suitable for Yasangi cultivation. Farmers seated at rythu vedikas participated in a active discussions on varieties suitability for their specific locations. Programme concluded with the remarks of Dr. M. Sreenivasulu, Coordinator Electronic wing and Nodal Officer Rythu Nestham. Team Electronic wing PJTAU, Officials from Directorate of Agriculture and Department of Agriculture were involved in moderation of the programme and about 14,733 farmers from 566 Rythu Vedikas across the state.