Rythu Nestam Live video conferencing 44th episode was conducted from Electronic Wing Studio of PJTAU on 18-02-2025 from 10.00 AM – 11.30 AM. The agenda for the programme was discussion on Mechanization in agriculture, the session started with the experiences shared by PJTAU awardee farmer Sri.M.Mallikarjun Reddy,Karimnagar District, about the usefulness of planters, weeders and reapers in Redgram and Paddy cultivation. The subject was in depth dealt by Dr. P.Rajaiah Principal Scientist and University Head, FIM, R’nagar. Who insisted on the use of farm implements in reduction of cost of cultivation and enhancing profitability. Later in the session Dr. Sai Krishna Nikhil, Scientist [Horticulture] Vegetable section, SKLUH,Rajendranagar gave various options available for profitable vegetable cultivation during up comming summer months.Experts clarified the doubts of farmers from different Rythu Vedikas. The programme was Dr. M.Sreenivasulu, Coordinator of the Electronic Wing along with his team from PJTAU and Officials from Directorate of Agriculture and District Department of Agriculture and about 11000 farmers from 566 Rythu Vedikas participated in the programme across the state.