Rythu Nestham Live video conference Program (Episode-45 Date: 25.02.2025)

Rythu Nestham Live video conference Program (Episode-45 Date: 25.02.2025)

Rythu Nestam Live video conferencing 45th episode was conducted from Electronic Wing Studio of PJTAU on 25-02-2025 from 10.00 AM – 11.30 AM. The programme was started with Dr.M.Balram, Director of Research, PJTAU briefing about university continous technical support to farmers and future research on Drones and Mechanisation. Later Sri Madhava Reddy, Progressive farmer from Kohir Mandal, Sanga Reddy District shared experinces in Sugarcane cultivation. Dr.M.Vijay Kumar , Principal Scientist [Sugarcane], ARS, Basanthpur explined about critical technical interventions to get better yields in Ratoon Sugar Cane crop and ansewered querries of farmers. The programme was attended by Dr.B.Gopi, Dirtector of Agriculture and Dr. M.Sreenivasulu, Coordinator of the Electronic Wing along with his team from PJTAU and Officials from Directorate of Agriculture and District Department of Agriculture and about 12000 farmers from 566 Rythu Vedikas participated in the programme across the state.