Rythu Nestam Live video conferencing 46th episode was conducted from Electronic Wing Studio of PJTAU on 04-03-2025 from 10.00 AM – 11.30 AM. The programme was started with Dr.M.V.Nagesh Director Seeds, PJTAU briefed about salient features of different high yielding varieties and seed availability at various centers of PJTAU. A progressive farmer from Sirsapally Village,Huzurabad Mandal, Karimnagar District shared experience in seed production of rice. Later Dr.Shehnaz, Assoc. Professor, (Entomology), College of Horticulture, Mojerla, SLKHU presented various management practices to be followed against pest in summer vegetables which was followed by question answer session. The programme was attended by Officials from PJTAU, Department of Agriculture Directorate of Agriculture and officials of line departments and about 12000 farmers from 566 Rythu Vedikas participated in the programme across the state.