The real time solutions through Rythu Nestam Live interaction session organized at Electronic Wing Studio, PJTSAU, Hyderabad on 19.3.2024 from 10.00 AM – 01.15 PM with scientists from Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agriculturl University (PJTSAU) , Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University (SKLTSHU), officials from department of agriculture and horticulture and farmers from 110 rythuvedika’s of Telangana. The programme begin with playing of relevant videos on rice stem borer, neck blast and panicle mite followed by Dr.B.Srinivas Sr.Scientist [Breeding] from RARS, Jagtial to share technical out put on various interventions to be followed in current standing rice crop. Further clarified farmers queries from different Rythu Vedikas. Second session was by Dr.B.Rajasekhar, Dean of Horticulture, SKLTSHU on “Management practices of Oil Palm” to obtain better yields, and suggested various precautionary measures to be followed in oil palm and also answered farmers queries. The third session on “Use of pesticides on vegetables as per label claim” by Dr.K.Kavitha, Principal Scientist [Entomology], Pesticide Residues Lab Rajendranagar. The Ryhtu Nestam live programme was attended by Director of Agriculture Sri. B. Gopi, IAS, Coordinator and Scientists of Electronic Wing along with 6200 farmers and 820 Department Oficials form Agriculture and Horticulture of 110 Rythu Vedikas across the state.