Celebration of Savitribai Phule Jayanti at Agricultural College, Adilabad on 3.01.2024

Celebration of Savitribai Phule Jayanti at Agricultural College, Adilabad on 3.01.2024

Savitribhai phule Jayanthi was celebrated at Agricultural College, Adilabad on 03.01.2024. At the outset the Associate Dean, Dr. Sreedhar Chauhan welcomed the teaching, non-teaching staff and student and was followed by a brief address about the significance of the day, emphasis about Savithribai Phule - first female teachers in India, a well known author and poet. The address also highlighted the hardships of Savitribhai phule and Jyothibha Phule, apart from their contributions to the society (women education and services rendered for the betterment of the underprivileged women and other castes apart from the establishment of schools). The address also had a special focus on the need of women education and women empowerment. It was followed by a brief addressess by the Officer Incharge of Student Affairs, Dr. K. N. Yamini and four students (3 girls and one boy). Later floral tributes were offered to Jyothibhai phule by the Associate Dean, Dr. Sreedhar Chauhan followed by the teaching faculty, Dr. B. Rajeswasri, Professor, Plant Pathology, Dr. K. Bhanu Rekha Professor, Agronomy, Dr. K. N. Yamini, OISA, Dr. G. Anitha, Associate Professor, Entomology, Dr.M. Suresh, Assistant Professor, Soil Science, non- teaching staff and students. The programme ended with the vote of thanks presented by the Officer Incharge of Student Affairs, Dr. K. N. Yamini.